Iraqi Resistance Video Reports for the Fall of 2007 and Winter of 2008

  • IED total annihilation of US Humvee in Diyala rel 19-2-2008

  • IED targeting an American Cougar in Diyala rel. 20-2-2008

  • IED Destroys CIA Vehicle in Mosul

  • 1920 RB IED destroys a US hummer in Beji (US GI runs away burning!) rel. 10-10-2007

  • Jaish Abu Bakr al-Salafi IED on US soldiers (Baghdad)

  • Reform and Jihad Front - Jaish Al-Mujahedeen (Mujahedeen Army) Jaish al-Mujahedeen 9th Release (345MB - 70 minutes)

  • Ansar Al Sunnah eliminating the apostates in Kirkuk rel. 20-10-2007

  • IAI IED targeting an American Humvee in al-Latifiyah, Babil province

  • IAI IED on Humvee in Mosul rel. 31-10-2007

  • Iraqi Hamas: IED Strikes US Truck in Samarra

  • Iraqi Hamas: Roadside bombs targeting US tank in Salah Al-Deen province rel. 10-11-2007

  • Jaish al Rashideen: IED Attack Damages Humvee

  • IED targeting an American Amphibious Assault Vehicle

  • IAI 9th Release (300MB)

  • Islamic State of Iraq - Losses of the cross worshippers (128MB)

  • IED attack on US armour in Hilla

  • Jaish Al Muslimeen IED attack on road between Tikrit and Samarra

  • Ansar al Islam: IED Attack on American Night Patrol in Kirkuk rel.29-2-2008

  • Jaysh abi bakr a sedeek al salafi/Ambushing US convoy

  • Change and Jihad Front Jaish al-Rashideen (Army of the Rightly-Guided) Attacking a parked American Humvee in Baghdad 4/2/2008

  • Jaish al Muslimeen: Two Grad Launched on US Base in Taji (In Defense of the Prophet) 29-2-2008

  • Islamic Front of the Iraqi Resistance (JAMI) Salah al-Deen al-Ayoubi Brigades

  • Jaami & Iraqi Hamas IED co-op against US humvee in Ghazaliya rel. 20-2-2008

  • HAMAS-Iraq and JAMI: IED targeting an American Humvee in Samarra

  • Hamas Iraq IED on coalition armoured vehicle 1-2-2008

  • Shield of Islam: IED Puppet Police Pickup north of Baghdad rel. 6-2-2008

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