U. S. District Court for the District of Massachusetts

Robert Christopher Kettenburg, Plaintiff
280 Nahant Road #10
Nahant, MA 01908
e-mail: robkettenburg@hotmail.com


Dan Droukis, Defendant
280 Nahant Road #1
Nahant, MA 01908


The purpose of this Motion for Waiver of Service is to bring the following Title 18 US Code violations to this Court's attention. Plaintiff mailed a civil suit against Charter One/Citizens Bank in Lockport, New York, to the US District Court for the Western District of Buffalo on October 19, 2006, for items improperly placed on Plaintiff's credit bureau report by said bank. On that same day, Plaintiff also mailed his cable TV bill, which, according to Plaintiff's on-line account, was received and credited three days later. In the past when Plainiff has mailed items to The US District Court for the Western District of New York at Buffalo and The US Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit in New York City, Plaintiff ALWAYS hears back from them in a matter of days. Plaintiff has not heard back from either of these Court's in reference to on-going litigation, nor has Plaintiff heard back from THIS Court in reference to THIS case.

Defendant Dan Droukis, who drives a late model black Ford Taurus with Massachusetts plate 101ZFG, makes it a habit to distibute the mail to all of the apartments in Plaintiff's building. Last week Plaintiff noticed a postcard advertisement from the Cable TV company in the spot where the mail is usually dropped off (downstairs table by the entrance to the building). The mail was not distributed by Defendant on that day (Saturday), as Defendant was not present. Just for the heck of it, Plaintiff LEFT said mail on the table to see if it would still be there the next day. And sure enough, the next morning when Plaintiff went downstairs to check, his mail was gone. Since Defendant makes it a habit of distributing the mail to the residents in Plaintiff's building, and since Plaintiff has not heard one word from the three previously mentioned Courts, and since Plaintiff had his mail stolen last week, Plaintiff formally charges Defendant Dan Droukis with Title 18 of the US Code, Section 1506: Theft or alteration of Court Records (Defendant STEALS Plaintiff's mail). Plaintiff also noticed this morning that Defendant was in a BIG HURRY to retrieve the mail as soon as it was delivered, presumably so Defendant could steal Plaintiff's mail.

Plaintiff also wants this Court to know that every single time Defendant is aware of the fact that Plaintiff leaves the building, Plaintiff's civil rights are violated to the tune of Title 18 of the US Code, Sections 241 (Conspiracy against rights), 242 (Deprivation of rights under color of law), 247 (Obstruction of persons in the free excercise of religious beliefs) , 1113 (Attempt to commit murder), 1117 (Conspiracy to murder), 2236 (Searches without warrant), 373 (Solicitation to commit a crime of violence), and 2340A (Torture), as defined in Section 2340. Whenever Plaintiff flies under the radar and evades Defendant's detection (Defendant is unaware Plaintiff has left the building), NONE of Plaintiff's civil rights are violated. Therefore, Plaintiff formally charges Defendant with the just listed Title 18 US Code violations. Plaintiff also wishes to point out that Defendant spreads lies about Plaintiff to all his neighbors, and that Plaintiff actually caught Defendant doing this. Since then, the only time Defendant is seen by Plaintiff is when he has several of his buddies standing behind him out of fear that Plaintiff will carry out an act of violence against him. Defendant goes into hiding when his buddies aren't around...

As Plaintiff has pointed out to The US Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit (see http://www.robkettenburg.net/traitors2.htm) Plaintiff believes that the TRUE purpose of his civil rights violations by Defendant is in fact, retention. Defendant has made it perfectly clear to Plaintiff that everything will be OK if he just goes back into the military (which is a death sentence for Plaintiff) and that they're not going to stop violating Plaintiff's civil rights until he does so. Plaintiff believes Defendant is a JEWISH Counter Intelligence Agent who violates Plaintiff's civil rights on behalf of the US and Israeli governments.

Plaintiff also wants this Court and the world to know that Iraq does not pose a threat to the safety and security of the American people, as they're living in the 1950s, technology wise. Iraq DOES however, pose a threat to the safety and security of Israel, which is why Iraq was invaded by America. Indeed, EVERY single foreign policy move made by President Bush and his lackeys has been for the greater good of Israel. Plaintiff 'heard' through a reliable source that President Bush declared dual-citizenship with Israel the day after The US Supreme Court appointed him as President. Therefore, American soldiers aren't fighting to defend America: they're fighting and dying to protect Israel. 99% of the people who violate Plaintiff's civil rights are Jewish, for the reasons just mentioned.

I certify that all of the information contained within this Motion for Waiver of Service is true to the best of my knowledge.