Robert Christopher Kettenburg, Appellant
308 North Hamilton Avenue #4B
Indianapolis, IN 46201
e-mail: robkettenburg@hotmail.com
Appellant is currently and DEFINATELY being GANG BANGED by the CIA for political and retention purposes. Appellant wants the CIA & The US Military to know up front that since he's 43 years old, you have about as much chance of Appellant going back into the military as the Easter Bunny bringing fireworks for Christmas. Appellant asks: "How much of the information on the following web site can you actually DISPROVE?" www.robkettenburg.net/langely.html
Shortly after Appellant graduated from The University of Louisville with a Masters degree he worked as a writer for Amatrol in Jeffersonville, Indiana. Most of Appellant's co-workers listened to and performed the same kind of music Appellant has listened to almost every day of his life (usually for several hours): Rock and Roll. When Appellant heard an announcement on the radio that the band "Yes" was playing The Palace at Louisville, (right on the other side of the Ohio River from Jeffersonville, Indiana) he sent out an e-mail to all of his co-workers that he was going to buy tickets for the show when they went on sale and if they wanted tickets, to speak with Appellant as he would gladly buy them for his co-workers. So the night of the show, guess who's sitting right behind Appellant with ten of his coked-up buddies, trying to pick a fight with Appellant, as he was trying to take in the show at The Palace? Why, it was none other that our current head of the CIA, Leon "The Loser" Pannetta! Therefore, since the e-mail Appellant sent out informing his co-workers of his intentions to see Yes in concert on their "Union" tour originated in Jeffersonville, it falls under this Court's jurisdiction. Therefore, Appellant formally charges the current head of the CIA, Leon Pannetta, with Title 18 of the US Code, Sections 241, 242, 373, 247, and 2340A, as defined in Section 2340.
I certify that all of the information contained within this Motion is true to the best of my knowledge and that a copy of this Motion was sent to the Appellees at their address listed at the top of this Motion using normal mail delivery on November 16, 2009.