The masonic ritual of "BIRTH" as a mason is
Jewish Kabbala in its majority. Early freemasons in Europe were mainly
converted jews. Later on, Scottish (Presbyterian) rite and Huguenot masons
(both staunchly anti roman catholic) swelled the ranks of freemasons, and
hence, proxy jews.
All of these groups have a single point of origin: The society of Pi. It
existed over 8000 years ago and now controls the world.
Be careful NOT to get caught up in the TRAP being laid over pedophiles: jews and masons use that smear as their
number one slander of people they are running a hate campaign against. In my
opinion this explains the attack by jews on Jackson. They want his song right
portfolio: it’s worth a billion or two.
Jackson has funded black "Muslim" projects including black controlled
film and record production.
The jewish owned Hollywood studios DO NOT take competition lightly. If they
lose control of the mind bending media machine, then that could spell the
beginning of the end of the "GLOBAL ILLUSION" they've created.
Some good stuff here though: pedophile rings are nearly all controlled by jews.
Their rabbis’ have been buggering their young boys for years and it’s all been
kept under wraps. There are books about that somewhere: search the web. But
they'll be the first to spread rumors about Roman Catholic Priests, etc.
I know people who are 100% total victims of jewish HATE SLANDER. Their lives
have been ruined: no job, no family, no friends, and no life. Constantly being
harassed by jews, masons, police and other maladjusted people.
Many have gone mad or committed suicide. Those that survive often turn to
drinking and live rough on our streets. Staying shy of people. Even here though
if the jews locate you then they try to cause trouble.
And people just don’t care once that sort of label has been put on you. You die
by your own hand, an innocent person, and your neighbors just say "good
June 8, 2005