Niagara County Court

Niagara County, New York


Town of Lockport, New York Court Docket #06030296



Robert Christopher Kettenburg, Defendant/Appellant

6489 Dysinger Road #1

Lockport, New York 14094

(716) 434-6871




Doo Sung of Hong’s Apartments, Plaintiff/Appellee

6489 Dysinger Road

Lockport, New York 14094

(716) 689-9508






Notice is hereby given that Defendant/Appellant Robert Christopher Kettenburg, in the above named case, hereby Appeals to The Niagara County Court, Niagara County, New York, from the final judgment issued by the The Honorable Judge Tilney in the Town of Lockport, New York Court on April 4, 2006.


The purpose of this Notice of Appeal is to bring the following Title 18 US Code violations to this Court’s attention: Sections 241, 242, 1117, 373, and 2340A, as defined in Section 2340. A recent 2nd Circuit ruling clearly states that employers are responsible for their employees’ actions (see Therefore, Defendant/Appellant Robert Christopher Kettenburg formally charges Hong’s employee, Billy Baxley of 6489 Dysinger Road #4, Lockport, New York, with these very same Title 18 US Code violations. Billy drives a black Chevy Blazer 4X4 with NY plate DLK9309.


I certify that a copy of this Notice of Appeal was hand delivered to Hong’s Apartment rent drop box located inside 6489 Dysinger Road, Lockport, New York on April 5th, 2006.