'Empires do not suffer emptiness of purpose at the time of their creation. It is only after they have become established that aims are lost and replaced by vague ritual.' - Frank Herbert, Dune
Trump Bombed Somalia, Africa on February 1, 2025
On the Persistent Failure of American Foreign Policy
The Silent Empire Killer - The Federal Budget was BALANCED in 2000. George W. Bush added $10 Trillion to the National Debt, Barak Obama added $8 Trillion, Trump added $3 Trillion and Genocide Joe just added $15 Trillion to our National Debt in 4 Years = $36 Trillion in Debt
OPEC & BRICS Build New Oil Trading System, Locking Out American Suppliers and Banks
On American Middle East Policy Failures
Top Ten Lessons from U.S. Foreign Policy Failures
List of Governments The United States has Tried to Overthrow since 1945
Aquaman in the Baltic Sea? Angela Merkel Speaks the Not-So-Quiet Nord Stream Pipeline Sabotage Truth Out Loud
Is Washington Digging its Own Grave?
Kamala's Middle East Foreign Policy
What's NOT on the Ballot This Fall?
Is Seeking to Stop a War a Crime?
So Who Are Really the Bad Guys Here?
Is Jewish Influence over American Politics & Policy Ephemeral?
War ON Terror or War OF Terror?
Tempting Armageddon as a National Strategic Policy
The Pentagon Church Militants & Us: The Top 5 Questions We Should Ask the Pentagon
Why Can't America's Transvestite Navy Stop the Houthis or Secure Shipping in The Red Sea after 8 Months? - Note how things got worse as soon as the u.s. navy showed up and insurance rates went up over 1000%
Is the Biden Butcher Inciting World War III? - Part II - Part III
The Biden Butcher Bombs Africa - Picking Up Where Obama Left Off
Force 400: Inside America's Covert War on Yemen
Texas Moves for Secession from the Union - Part II
How America's Illegal Bombing of Yugoslavia Opened the Gates of Hell for Wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Africa & Ukraine - Part II
George Washington's Passionate Attachment
Has Interventionism Jeopardized America's Future?
Great Britian & America are Now at War with Yemen, Picking Up Where Saudi Arabia Left Off
Are the Inmates Running the American Foreign Policy Asylum?
Did Terrorism in Africa Increase 101,300% during America's War on Terror?
So Much for AFRICOM: U.S. Military Kicked Out of Chad, Africa + U.S. Military Kicked Out of Niger, Africa
Who Really Controls Congress & U.S. Foreign Policy? - Part II
How U.S. Arms Fuel Deadly Gang Violence in Haiti - Part II
Does the U.S. Military have Recruiting PROBLEMS?
On the NATO Peace Facility War Machine
Will Interest on National Debt Spending EXCEED U.S. Military Spending in 2024?
How Ghost Budgets Enable America to Finance Endless Wars
Did the U.S. Military Just Spend $100 Million to Kill 5 Houthis?
How American 'Leadership' Results in Death, Destruction & Mayhem All Across Earth
Remote Warfare & Expendable People: Forever War Means Never Having to Say You're Sorry
On the Perpetration of Mass-Death Events
Top 8 Signs of Imminent Societal Collapse
The Death Rattle of American Domination
Is the U.S. Navy Sinking in Middle East Sand?
U.S. Foreign Policy in One Image
U.S. Airstrikes Kill 13 People in Somalia, Africa
Russia Raises Military Budget for 2024 by 70%; Red Army Doubles in Size
Remembering America's "Humanitarian" Bombing of Yugoslavia and Why
As NATO Crumbles: The Situation in France - Part II
They Lied about Afghanistan, They Lied about Iraq and They are Lying about Ukraine
The Constantly Shifting Array of Official Enemies
Fantasies about the Global War on Terror
War is the Crime, Not How it is Committed
When All Roads Lead to World War III
Does the U.S. Military have Recruiting PROBLEMS? - Part II - Part III
The U.S. Military Image & Reputation We Never Hear About
Is Sexual Assault & Harrassment a PROBLEM in America's Military Service Academies?
U.S. Military Veterans Urge Family Members NOT to Enlist
Meet the World's Most Murderous Killing Machine
Did 60,000+ American Veterans Commit Suicide from 2008-2017?
18% Increase in Sexual Assaults Reported at U.S. Military Academies
The Drip, Governmental Lies & U.S. Armed Forces Recruitment
U.S. Army Spokesman Arrested in New York for Domestic Violence
When American Foreign Policy Goes Woke
Is the Pentagon using Drag Queens to Attract New Recruits?
An Objective Look at American Foreign Policy
The Power of American Propaganda
The Pentagon's Perpetual Crisis Machine
How America Took Out the Nord Stream Pipeline
The Tragedy of American Diplomacy
Is America's Costly, Dysfunctional Approach to Security Making Us Ever Less Safe?
Unwarranted Influence, 21st Century Style
Here a Threat, There a Threat, Everywhere a Threat Threat
Secret War: How the U.S. Uses Partnerships and Proxy Forces to Wage War Under the Radar
Russian Ministry of Defense: British Prime Minister Liz Truss Sent Text Message "Its Done" to U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken Immediately after Nord Stream Gas Pipeline was Blown Up
Sanction, Destabilize, Destroy
U.S. Drone Strikes Kill 20 Africans in Somalia
Does the U.S. Military have Recruiting PROBLEMS? - Part II - Part III
Inside the Pentagon's Secret Proxy Wars
Biden Orders Military Back into Africa after Trump Pullout
Russian Military Enters Nicaragua
20 Years, 4 Presidents: The Words that Shaped the War in Afghanistan
An Orgy of Violence and Collapse in NATO Credibility - Part II
On Preventing the Next March of Folly
A Parable of (All American) Violence
The Great Game of Smashing Nations - Part II
The Collapse of Afghanistan and American Illusions
What We Know About Bombs Being Dropped in Our Name
Pentagon Deploys 1000 More Troops to Africa Bringing Total to 7000
It�s 10 PM America: Do You Know Where Your Country is Bombing?
Why is America Bombing Africa?
AFRICOM: Camouflaging Militarism in the Guise of Humanitarianism since 2008
Inside the U.S. Military's African Gambit: Fake Intellectuals and their False Assumptions Strike Again - Part II
Is America Guilty of a Criminal Conspiracy in France's Crimes Against Africans?
How to Lose a Country in Ten Years
The Changing Face of War: How Azerbaijan Defeated Armenia in Nagorno-Karabakh - Part II
How to Escape the Fate of Future Folly - Part II
Are U.S. Special Forces Operating in 23 African Countries? - Part II
Does American Foreign Policy Kill Palestinians?
The Mutual Extortion Racket: How Defense Manufacturers Shape American Foreign Policy - Part II
Displaced by the War on Terror: The Greatest Scam Ever Invented?
Does the Russian Navy have Hypersonic Nuclear Weapons on their Ships?
Guaid� and the Failed Military Operation against Venezuela: A Story of Betrayal and Financial Corruption - In Spanish
Is U.S. Foreign Policy the Root Cause of Many Evils?
Belarus Thwarts Color Revolution, Blames America
How a Secret Obama Directive Brought Chaos to Our World
Has $6.4 Trillion U.S. Taxpayer Dollars' been Wasted on America's Bullshit War on Terror since 2001?
Wars Without Victories, Weapons Without End
No Cure for the Warmongering Syndrome?
Is U.S. Foreign Policy actually Low-Intensity Warfare Against the Entire Planet?
Killing Democracy in America: The Military-Industrial Complex as a Cytokine Storm
The Benghazi Bombshell - Part II - Part III - Part IV - Part V - Part VI
Twitter Closes Accounts of Media, Celebrities & Government Officials for Sharing Biden Scandal Story
Just Another Night in the Deep State
The Election Vote: The Deeper You Look, the Worse it Gets
On Being Black and Blue in America
Will America's Push for Low-Yield Nukes Make War More Likely?
This is What Happens When You Crank Up the War Machine
Does Foreign Interventionism Make Americans Less Safe?
The Multipolar Alliance Induces Rumpelstiltskin's Self-Destruction
Return to Russia: Crimeans Tell the Real Story of the 2014 Referendum and Their Lives Since
He Can Do Whatever He Wants: Remember All Those Drone Strikes Obama Made on Somalia, Africa? - Part II
Unintended Consequences of Monetary Inflation
Are You Just Another Tacit Facilitator?
The Day U.S. Military Supremacy Ended and Naval Warfare Became Obsolete
Doesn't the Iranian Military have CLOSE TIES with the Chinese & Russian Militaries?
Blowback: How U.S. Drones, Coups, and Invasions Create More Violence
America's Latest War Crime - Part II
Is it Easier for Al Qaeda to Recruit in Yemen after Illegal U.S. Drone Strikes?
The Neverending Terrorist Cycle: How America Strengthens ISIS & Al Qaeda through Targeted Killings
An Important Note from a U.S. Army Intelligence Officer
Can North Korea Nuke Any City in America? - Part II
How to Prevent North Korea from Attacking America
Three Dangerous Delusions about North Korea
Germany will Not Back America in a War with North Korea
Can the US Navy Defend America?
America's Defense Against Russian Nuclear Missiles
Iran's Defense Against American Bombers
The Blank Check for Perpetual War
The American Military Uncontained: Out Everywhere and Winning Nowhere
Is the US Military Industrial Complex Undermining American National Security?
America's Supernational Sovereignty
An Ethical Foreign Policy: Too Much to Ask For?
The Bloody End to Obama's Reign
Is Russia's New Electronic Warfare System Capable of Disrupting All NATO Communications?
Secret FBI Study Concludes US Military Overseas Operations Foment Homegrown Terrorism
Washington Asks Moscow Not to Bomb Northern Syria where US Troops are Arming, Supplying, and Training Al Qaeda and ISIS to Fight Assad's Forces - Part II
Why Do US Bombs Keep Falling in Places Where Obama Ended Two Wars?
Are America and Al Qaeda Allies?
Have Western Governments Aided and Abetted Al Qaeda for Over 30 Years?
Meet ISIS & Al Qaeda's Air Force! - Part II
What Happens to the US Miltary's New Trillion Dollar F-35 Fighter Jet When It Gets Hot?
Are You On the ISIS Kill List?
One Year, 6,700 Airstrikes, & $4 Billion Spent after Obama Vowed to Destroy ISIS, Islamic State Stronger than Ever - Part II
When Terrorism becomes Counter-Terrorism
From Flytrap to Breeding Ground: How America's Wars Produced a Terrorist Infestation
ISIS/Al Qaeda Captures Hundreds of US Army Tanks, APCs, and Artillery Pieces after US Trained Iraqi Army is Defeated in Ramadi, Iraq - Part II
US Trained Afghan Troops Abandon Posts in Helmand as Taliban Capture Naw Zad and Baghran Districts
Taliban Capture Darqad District in Takhar, Afghanistan
Large Number of Russian Troops Redeployed to Europe's Border - Part II
Russian Armed Forces Return to Central America
ISIL Decapitates 21 Egyptian Prisoners in Libya
ISIS Captures Large Cache of American Weapons in Anbar, Iraq
ISIS Decapitates Indianapolis Native Army Ranger Peter Kassig
Latest ISIS/Al Qaeda Video - Part II
ISIS Detonates Car Bomb Next to US Consulate in Iraq
Al Qaeda/ISIS Captures Heavy Weapons in Yemen
Does ISIS have a Base 8 Miles from El Paso, Texas?
This is What Winning Looks Like - Part II
CIA Admits Drone Strikes Ineffective
If This is What an Anti-War Presidency Looks Like to You, You're Detached from Reality
Mapping the Growth of US Military Bases Worldwide
Obama's US Navy SEAL Hostage Rescue Operation in Yemen Ends in Disaster
US Navy Jets Bomb Yemen - Part II
Have US Drone Strikes Killed More Civilians in Yemen than Al Qaeda?
When Blowback is a Bitch: How the Houthis Overturned the Chessboard
Houthis Capture 3 Saudi Bases and Over 150 Square Kilometers of Saudi Arabian Land - Part II
U.S. Pulls Out of Yemen after Suicide Bombers Strike Mosques Killing 137 and Injuring 357
Russian Bombers to Patrol Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean
Russian Navy Upgrades Submarine Fleet - Part II
Ten Signs Russia is Preparing to Fight (and Win) a Nuclear War with America
Russian Fighter Jets Practice Attacking NATO Ships
Danger of War with Russia Grows as US Sends Military Equipment to Ukraine
Ignorance is Bliss, Until You're Incinerated in a Nuclear Exchange
On the Brink of Nuclear War, and You Don't See it Coming
US House Votes 348-48 to Send Lethal Aid to Ukraine
Should the US Send Lethal Aid to Ukraine?
The Terror We Give is the Terror We Get
The Sociology of Dead Children
Sleepwalking to Another Mideast Disaster
The Staggering Failure of US-Trained Foreign Troops
Change You Can Believe In: A Third Decade of Bombing Iraq
Anything that Flies on Everything that Moves
Have Black People Lost Ground During Obama's Presidency?
Obama Requests $58,600,000,000.00 for War in Afghanistan
The Real Reasons for the War on Terror
Why Washington's War on Terror Failed - Part II - Part III - Part IV
The Lost Logic of Perpetual War
War is the New Normal: Seven Deadly Reasons Why America's Wars Persist
Strategic Russian Bombers near Canada Practice Nuking America
In Show of Force over Ukraine, Russian Bombers Fly to California Coast
Is Supplying Ukraine with American Weapons a Threat to Russian National Security?
Russian Nuclear-Capable Bombers Intercepted off California Coast
Russia's Air Force One-Ups America's F-35
Obamacare Website Day One: 4.7 Million Visitors, 6 Enrollments
The First Hustler Runs the Big Con
A Message from the Health Insurers of America - Part II
Obamacare Success: Half of Georgia's Insurance Enrollees Fail to Make Monthly Payment
12 Facts about the Epic Obamacare Launch Train Wreck that Every American Should Know
Are Millions of Americans Losing their Health Care Coverage Thanks to Obamacare? - Part II - Part III
What Obamacare is Really All About
Obamacare Fines to be Seized from Bank Accounts?
The Hidden Obamacare Taxes that will Crush the Middle Class
Another Consequence of Obamacare
Has the US Government's Secret 'No-Fly' List Grown Tenfold under Obama?
Making Sense of the Age of Carnage
Is the War on Terror Actually a War on Humanity?
Poverty as a Weapon of Mass Destruction and the Economic Policies that Loaded the Chamber
Slavehood 2017: Social Chaos & Global Warfare
The Deeper Meaning of Mass Spying in America
Harvard University: The Cost to America for the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan will reach $5,800,000,000,000.00 US
Obama Orders Thousands of US Troops into 35 African Countries
Central African Republic Government Falls, Chaos Ensues - Part II
US Troops to Remain in Afghanistan Beyond 2014 - Part II - Part III - Part IV - Part V - Part VI
3,000 US Troops Secretly Return to Iraq
US Troops Head to Ukraine + Obama Orders 350 More US Troops Back to Iraq
Taking a Closer Look at Obama's 2008 Campaign Promises
From Masters of Defeat to Masters of Deceit: The Toxic Politics of Terrorism
Understanding Russian National Character
Russia Mobilizes Rapid Deployment Forces to Ukraine Border
Russia Places Tactical Nuclear Ballistic Missiles on NATO's Borders
Separating Fact from Fiction in Crimea
Are there Hidden Motives behind the Ukraine-Russia Conflict?
Crimea, Ukraine Authorities Confirm Russian Takeover of Military Units
Russian Parliament Authorizes Use of Military Force in Ukraine
Russian Energy Giant Gazprom Signs Agreements to Switch from Dollars to Euros
Escape of the Cold War Warriors
Washington's Iron Curtain in Ukraine
The Real Grand Chessboard: Those Profiting from Enduring Violence
Money for Ukraine but Nothing for Detroit?
Russia Places Mobile Strategic Nuclear Missiles in Cuba - Part II
Iran Places Medium Range Ballistic Missles in Venezuela Capable of Striking America - Part II
US Embassies in Yemen and Egypt Attacked on September 13, 2012 - Part II
How Black Swans are Shaping Planet Panic
America's First Jewish President?
America's First Gay President?
War Under the Table - Part II - Part III
Who is America at War With? That's Classified
Are You at War with Nine Countries? Obama Orders US Soldiers into Four More African Countries - Part II
Obama Deploys US Military to Chad, Africa
US Military Enters Central African Republic Civil War
Obama Deploys 12,000 US Troops to Libya, Africa - Part II
Obama Deploys 3,000 US Troops into Africa
Obama Orders 300 US Troops into Cameroon, Africa to Fight Boko Haram
Is US Military Activity a Recruiting Tool for Terror Groups Across Africa? - Part II
Obama Redeploys US Army Special Forces to Iraq
Obama Deploys US Troops to Israel
Obama Deploys US Troops to Jordan/Syria Border
The Indispensable (Bombing) Nation
The Surest Sign America is at a Disadvantage in a Geopolitical Quagmire
The West and International Terrorism
Saudi Arabia Regional and Global Linkages
War with Syria and its Repercussions - Part II
Sleepwalking Toward Catastrophe
Ghosts of Iraq Force Great Britian, Canada, and Germany to Abandon Syrian Strike - Part II - Part III - Part IV
What to Expect, When You're Expecting War
America's Double Standard on Civilian Deaths
Tomorrow's Blowback Today - Part II
North Korea Detonates Hydrogen Bomb
US Provocation and North Korea: Pretext for War with China
Nobel Peace Drones: US Drone Strike Kills 26 in Somalia, Africa on September 16, 2011; 30 Wounded
US Drone Strike Kills 27 Men, Women, and Children in Somalia, Africa on October 17, 2011
US Drone Strike Kills 29 Men, Women, and Children in Somalia, Africa on October 25, 2011; 89 Wounded
US Drone Strikes Kill 99 Men, Women, and Children in Somalia, Africa on November 5, 2011 - 80 Wounded
US Drone Strike Kills 30 Men, Women, and Children in Somalia, Africa on March 13, 2012
US Drone Strikes Kill 39 Men, Women, and Children in Somalia, Africa on June 22
Are Obama and the US Military Killing Lots of Black People in Africa?
Two Secret US Drone Bases Uncovered in Somalia, Africa
NATO Air Strike Accidentally Kills 8 Children in Kapisa, Afghanistan
US Drone Strikes Kill 64 People in Yemen
Tomorrow's Terror Today: Do Drones Dream of Electric Terrorists?
A Strange, Soulless Man and his Utterly Failed Presidency
Building a Lasting Legacy of Death
Death from Above - Part II - Part III - Part IV
Six Unanswered Questions About Obama's Drone War
He Says One Thing and Does Another: Ralph Nader Responds to Obama's State of the Union Address
The State of Obama's 2008 Promises
American State of the Union: A Festival of Lies
Correlations They Hope You Never Make
Another Day, Another Uprising - Part II - Part III - Part IV - Part V - Part VI - Part VII - Part VIII - Part IX - Part X - Part XI - Part XII - Part XIII - Part XIV - Part XV - Part XVI - Part XVII - Part XVIII - Part XIX - Part XX - Part XXI - Part XXII - Part XXIII - Part XXIV
Multiple Bomb Attacks Target Jewish Embassies
Civil War in Ukraine - Part II
1,200 Ukrainian Soldiers Killed during Special Operations in Slaviansk - Part II
Obama's 2013 Budget: Difficult Cuts for Americans, Gravy for Israel
The Hell they have Planned for Your Children
Three Small Wars that Could Become the Next Vietnam
Russia Reinforces its Military Presence in the Arctic
The Price of US Interventionism
The New Definition of Asymmetrical Warfare
How US Policy Risks Another 9/11
You Say You Want a Revolution?
The Arc of Instability: Destabilizing the World One Region at a Time - Part II
Russia and North Korea Hold First Ever Joint Military Exercise
Are America and NATO Backing Al Qaeda in Libya?
Is Respect for the Truth Dead in America? - Part II - Part III
What Makes Normal People Commit War Crimes?
Obama Reinvades Iraq - Part II
Heed the Voices for Peace Amid the Tragedy of Iraq
The Incoherence of Western Foreign Policy
Those Who Make Peaceful Revolution Impossible Simultaneously Make Violent Revolution Inevitable
A Matter of Principle: The True Aims of the War on Terror
The Misuse of American Might, and the Price it Pays
Infinite Arrogance, Infinite Incompetence
How to Put an End to Injustice in America
Skyrocketing Crime Rates and Imperial Wars
Here's Everything Wrong with Obama's War on ISIS
Did America Create Al Qaeda and ISIS?
We are Never Not at War Anymore
Even Lost Wars Make Corporations Rich
There's No Business Like War Business
In War, Even a Winner can be a Loser
The Disturbing Expansion of the Military-Industrial Complex
Interlocking Spheres of Influence
Thank You for Being Expendable
How the United States Lost the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan
The Top 12 Reasons America Doesn't Win its Wars
France Pulls Out of Afghanistan Two Years Ahead of Schedule - Part II - Part III
Netherlands Pulls Out of Afghanistan - Part II
Denmark Announces Withdrawal from Afghanistan - Part II
Germany Pulls Out of Afghanistan
New Zealand Pulls Out of Afghanistan One Year Ahead of Schedule
Spain Pulls Out of Afghanistan
Australia Pulls Out of Afghanistan
Canada Pulls Out of Afghanistan
Romania Pulls Out of Afghanistan
Poland Withdraws from Afghanistan after 13 Years
A Pipelineistan Fable for Our Times
The Nightmare World we Bequeath
Nobel Peace Drones - Part II - Part III
Has Our Short Tenure as the World's Lone Superpower Come to an End? - Part II
An Ex-Superpower in the Making
Regional Wars and the Decline of the US Empire
Hackable Drones, Crumbling Empire
The Pentagon's $10 Billion Bet Gone Bad
America's Global Terrorism Against Peace
How America's Wars are Systematically Destroying Our Civil Liberties
Curtain Call: Grim Glimpses of the World's True Workings
US to Expand Covert Operations Around the World
Losing Hearts and Minds in Asia
Twilight - Part II - Part III - Part IV - Part V - Part VI
Tensions Rise in South China Sea
The Slow Emergence of a First-Class Regional Military Power
Sub Rosa - Part II - Part III - Part IV - Part V - Part VI - Part VII - Part VIII - Part IX - Part X - Part XI - Part XII - Part XIII - Part XIV - Part XV
Army Chief: "US May Attack China in Response to Hacking" - Part II
Iran Shoots Down US Army Spy Plane
Iran Opens Airspace to Chinese War Planes
American Embassy in Greece Attacked by Terrorists
Attack at American Embassy in Turkey Leaves Six Dead
Multiple Car Bombs Detonate Outside American Embassy in Yemen; 16 Dead
Car Bomb Detonates Next to Doctor's Home in West Memphis, Arkansas
A Bomb at the Negotiation Table
Pakistan Authorizes Military to Open Fire on American Soldiers
Pakistan Orders Military to Fire on US Forces
Truck Bomb Detonates Next to Marriott Hotel in Pakistan's Capital: 60+ Dead, 250+ Wounded - Part II - Part III
America Bombs Pakistan - Part II - Part III
You Aren't Hearing About Pakistan's Biggest Problems
100+ NATO Oil Tankers Torched in Pakistan; Four Dead - Part II
Portrait of an Empire in a Political Season
Does America have Nobel Peace Prize Winner Nelson Mandela on a Terrorist Watch List?
Time Magazine's Person of the Year on Iraq
Russian President Vladimir Putin on Unilateral Force and Global Democracy
Russia Pulls Out from Conventional Forces in Europe Treaty
Russia Reopens Lourdes Military Base in Cuba to Spy on Americans
The Games Countries Play - Part II
Russia and Ukraine on Brink of War - Part II - Part III
Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 Shot Down over Russian/Ukraine Border: 298 Dead
Ukrainian Su-25 Fighter Jet Detected in Close Approach to Malasian Airlines Flight 17 Before Crash
Paul Craig Roberts: July 21, 2014
Two Ukrainian Su-25 Fighter Jets Shot Down near Russian/Ukraine Border on July 23
European Union Quietly Lifts Ban on Supplying Ukraine with Weapons and Technology
Mistaking Omniscience for Omnipotence
Prospects and Perspectives of America's Enemies
Strike Iran, Watch Pakistan and Turkey Fall
State Terror as a Business Deal
Be Consistent: Invade Saudi Arabia
Yemen Attacks Saudi Arabia - Part II - Part III
Who's Supplying Saudi Arabia with Illegal Cluster Bombs to Drop on Yemen?
When Color Revolution Comes Home
So Little Time, So Many Regimes to Change... - Part II - Part III - Part IV - Part V - Part VI - Part VII - Part VIII - Part IX - Part X - Part XI - Part XII - Part XIII - Part XIV - Part XV - Part XVI - Part XVII - Part XVIII - Part XIX - Part XX - Part XXI - Part XXII - Part XXIII - Part XXIV - Part XXV - Part XXVI - Part XXVII - Part XXVIII - Part XXIX - Part XXX - Part XXXI - Part XXXII - Part XXXIII - Part XXXIV - Part XXXV
Washington Files Narco-Terrorism Charges Against Venezuelan President and Former Bus Driver Nicolas Maduro - Part II + Russia Responds
More Confessions from an Economic Hit Man - Part II - Part III
The Surest Sign America is at a Disadvantage in a Geopolitical Quagmire
The Lesson from Weakness when Faced by a Violent Enemy
No Arms Control Abroad for Washington?
The Military Solution: How to Set the Planet on Fire and Learn Nothing
The Ties that Bind - Part II - Part III - Part IV - Part V - Part VI - Part VII - Part VIII - Part IX - Part X - Part XI - Part XII - Part XIII - Part XIV - Part XV - Part XVI - Part XVII - Part XVIII - Part XIX - Part XX - Part XXI - Part XXII - Part XXIII - Part XXIV - Part XXV
Chinese Military Officials Attend Large Scale Russian Military Exercise in Siberia
Russian and Chinese Militaries Hold Large Scale Joint Exercise in Chelybinsk, Russia
Russia and India Hold Joint Military Exercises
Turkish Parliament Authorizes Military Operations in Iraq
Is Russia Targeting American Facilities in Poland and Czech Republic?
New Russian Topol Ballistic Missle Obsoletes America's Missle Defense - Part II - Part III - Part IV
New Russian Topol-M SS-27 ICBM Enters Service Obsoleting America's Missle Defenses
Bush Dispatches US Military Forces to Georgia
Russia Captures Top Secret US Military Technology in Georgia
Getting Russia Wrong All the Way to War
Is it Possible to Make an Atomic Bomb at Home?
Did the US Department of Defense Post Nuclear Bomb Making Documents on the Internet???
Trickle-Down Nuclear Armageddon
How to Obtain Drinkable Water in the Event of an Emergency
22 Signs the Thin Veneer of Civilization that We All Take for Granted is Starting to Disappear
Was Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri Assassinated and Does the White House want Syrian Troops Out of Lebanon to Make Way for a Large US Airbase in Beirut? - Part II - Part III
What's a Little Slaughter Between Friends? - Part II - Part III - Part IV - Part V - Part VI - Part VII - Part VIII - Part IX - Part X
Do U.S. Weapon Makers Shape American Foreign and Military Policies? - Part II
The Merchants of Death - Part II - Part III
The Soaring Profits of the Military-Industrial Complex, The Soaring Costs of Military Casualties
America's Secret War on the World
A World Where Presidents Come and Go, but America Always Keeps on Fighting
'Group-Thinking' the World into a New War
The Political Imperative to be Reckless
Military Overkill Hiding in Plain Sight
Endless War and the Culture of Unrestrained Power
Can America's Intel Vampires See Themselves in the Mirror?
Do the NSA's Loudest Defenders have Financial Ties to NSA Contractors?
American Weapons at War: Promoting Freedom or Fueling Conflict? - Part II - Part III - Part IV
Has American Foreign Policy Created Many More Terrorists than it Killed?
American Foreign Policy's Death Wish
How to Turn a Nightmare into a Fairy Tale
They Added a Soundtrack and Called it Peace
The Top Ten Companies that Dominate Global Arms Sales
Five Companies Making a Killing Off Wars Around the World
Did US Arms Sales Triple in 2011?
The End Does Not Justify the Means
Truth and Lives vs. Career and Fame
The Voiceless Left Stands before the Monster of History
How the Brutalized Become Brutal
The Hegemony of the Military Industrial Complex
The Burden of Pentagon Spending
From Jobs to Drones, Let Us Count the Numbers
Drone Surge: Today, Tomorrow and 2047
NATO Shoots Down Bush's Plans for Ukraine and Georgian Membership
Russian President Putin Retires Both of Russia's Military Bases in Georgia
Sending Out a Warning - Part II - Part III - Part IV - Part V - Part VI
Civil War Breaks Out Between Former Soviet Republics Georgia and South Ossetia - Part II (From 2006)
Russia Invades Georgia; 1,400+ Dead
Color-Coded Revolutions and the Origins of World War III
Truce Falls Apart in Kiev; Ukraine Descends into Civil War: 100+ Dead, 1,000+ Injured - Part II - Part III
Kyrgyzstan Government Overthrown in Violent Revolt
Kyrgyzstan and the Battle for Central Asia
A New World War for a New World Order
Arab States Will Not Dispatch Troops to Iraq Under US Command
Russia Cancels Over 90% of Their Contracts with Iraq
Does Short Term Expediency Always Fail in the Long Run? - Part II - Part III - Part IV - Part V - Part VI - Part VII
Are Tensions Rising Along the US-Canadian Border?
Blair's Bombs - Part II - Part III - Part IV
National Security Policy Without Security
The Trickery of the Military Budget
Dollar Crisis and the Coming Collapse of US Global Hegemony
Global War and Dying Democracy: The Revolution of the Elites
The Future of Transportation - Part II
Russia Sends "Humanitarian Aid" to Cuba
Paul Craig Roberts on Hugo Chavez - Greg Palast on Hugo Chavez
Hugo Chavez Leads the Way - Part II - Part III - Part IV
The Nature of CIA Intervention in Venezuela - Part II - Part III - Part IV - Part V - Part VI - Part VII - Part VIII - Part IX - Part X - Part XI
Colombian Paramilitaries Admit to 30,000+ Murders
Is Washington Planning a Bloodbath in Caracas? - Chavez Responds - Part II - Part III - Part IV - Part V - Part VI - Part VII - Part VIII
After Uncovering American Plot to Assassinate Hugo Chavez, Chinese Special Forces Start Pouring into Venezuela - Part II
CIA Backed Opposition Suffer ANOTHER MAJOR DEFEAT as Venezuela's Hugo Chavez to Buy $5 Billion in Russian Weapons - Part II - Part III - Part IV - Part V - Part VI - Part VII - Part VIII - Part IX - Rumsfeld Responds - Part II - Part III - Part IV
Venezuela to Buy $2 Billion in Spanish Weapons - Part II
Venezuela Cuts Diplomatic Relations with America
After Visit to Moscow, Top Chinese Official Agrees to Hold Military Excersises with Russia - Part II - Part III - Part IV
Spy Scandal will Damage U.S. - Indian Relations
BRICS Alliance (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) to Launch Development Bank
Argentina & Iran Apply for BRICS Membership
Unconventional Warfare in the 21st Century
FBI: Gangs have Infiltrated Every Branch of the US Military - Part II
Are American Soldiers Accepting Cash and Drugs for Mexican Drug Cartel Contract Hits?
The Sociopathic Dance of Politics
When Rule of Law Meets Politics
How Many Americans Does it Take to Slaughter a Third World Child?
Who Cares for the Suffering Children?
The Reality of American State Terrorism
The Cost of Loyalty: Dishonesty, Hubris, and Failure in the U.S. Military
The Limits of US Military Power
Ten Ways to Reduce the Threat of Terrorist Attacks on Americans
Is the United States Coast Guard Operating in the South China Sea?
You May Have the Watches, But We Have the Time
Ukraine Heats Up - Part II - Part III - Part IV - More than 90% of Crimeans speak Russian and more than 90% of Crimeans voted in a separate referendum to rejoin Russia back in 2014. Crimea was part of Russia since the 1700s, but in the 1950s, Soviet leader Khrushchev turned control of Crimea over to Ukraine for political reasons. Crimea and its people then suffered greatly as Ukraine poured very little money or resources into Crimea and its countryside soon decayed into ghetto like conditions. The Russian Federation turned this around when Crimea voted to rejoin Russia, immediately pouring billions of rubles and resources into Crimea. If you TALK to the people of Crimea, you'll find their conditions and environment have greatly improved since rejoining Russia 7 years ago. The people are a lot happier and very few of them want to rejoin Ukraine. The reason America is trying to push Crimea back in to the hands of Ukraine is because the huge oil and natural gas fields sitting underneath and just off the shores of Crimea have been promised to American oil & gas companies for exploitation.