Voice of the White House
June 11, 2009
Washington, D.C.: “The sudden lurch to the right in the EU is interesting. My own thought is that Europe's socialistic experiment has been largely fueled by U.S. capitalism and its fiscal support of Europe since WWII. France has 20% unemployment and considers that "normal," since fewer and fewer Europeans work for a living. Most of their money goes to social programs, knowing that U.S. productivity will supply them with a cushion.
Suddenly, it appears that the United States might tumble into socialism, drying up the sugar teat. Then, each European country will have to return to productivity in order to support itself.
Of course it appears that Israel may be the loser through this position shuffling, and that is not necessarily a bad thing.
Obama is a socialist (I know some of his Chicago people quite well) and has taken over a major share of the U.S. banking industry (Bank of America is next on his agenda), the car industry and now the health people.
He is very slick and a populist so he will get away with it.
I predict that the outraged business moguls, the militant Likudists (he is pro-Muslim) and the racists will, either alone or in combination, try to assassinate him. I know a lot about the dynamics of plotted assassination (as opposed to the real lone operator...Oswald was a patsy) and this one is a natural.
The recent killing of the abortion doctor has nothing to do with the anti-Obama people but is symptomatic.
I predict that any attempts on the President will come from this sector, funded or egged on by the monied people.
These are indeed interesting times!