Voice of the White House
November 22, 2014
Washington D.C.: This childish tit for tat between Washington and Moscow could eventually escalate into something more serious than name-calling and pouting. The United States in general and Obama in particular are living in a delusional world where the United States reigns supreme. It does not. Serious trade rivals are cropping up on a monthly basis. Obama is furious that Putin refuses to pack Edward Snowden up in a box and ship him back to Washington when Obama demanded it. The American oligarchs are outraged that Russia is now the world's top oil producer and are determined to force Putin out of office and get de facto control of Russian natural resources. And the shrill pipings of the discredited neo-cons are heard harkening back to the long-dead Cold War. And the business in Crimea has its roots in the so-called self-determination of peoples that the deluded and idealistic Woodrow Wilson forced on the world after the First World War. In short, it is acceptable and even necessary if we do it, but wrong and vicious if they do it. Not only do American politicians have small brains, they also have very short memories...