Voice of the White House

April 2, 2012

Some years ago, elements of the United States Army became increasingly alarmed at the undue, and unwanted, influence the state of Israel was achieving in the upper levels of the government of this country. Pentagon officials saw that Saddam Hussein, an enemy of Israel, was attacked by the stupid and Israel-oriented George W. Bush (as did his father) and they have seen the frenzy Israel has been generating trying to force the Obama administration to attack Iran and blast their perceived enemies into pulp, removing an enemy from the board and getting someone else to do their murderous work for them. For these reasons, a branch of the American military has thoroughly infiltrated Israeli diplomatic and intelligence organs inside this country, and in several others, and are able to fully read, and listen to, the most sensitive communications. We received some copies of older material, including a list of American political and business figures who signed a letter, addressed to the Ambassador of Israel, offering their 'full and unconditional' support of that state in 'any way necessary' which included passing classified information, voting on Israel-supportive legislation and using 'all their influence' to assist Israel and silence her enemies:

Hillary Rodham Clinton, US Secretary of State

Rep. Rush Holt (R-NJ)

Lt. Gov. Ruth Ann Minner (D-DEVA Atty. General Mark Earley (R))

State Sen. Susie Oppenheimer (D-NY)

Mayor Timothy Kaine (R-Richmond, VA)

Mayor Pete Clavelle (Progressive-Burlington, VT)

IL State Sen. Lauren Beth Gash (D)

DE State Treasurer Jack Markell (D)

Mayor Meyera Oberndorf, (D-Virginia Beach, VA)

Mary Lou Cooper, Program Manager, Council of State Governments. Western Regional Conference (CSG-West), Santa Fe NM

ID State Sen. Bart M. Davis(R)

AZ State Rep. Debora Norris (D)

CA State Assemblyman Rod Pacheco (R)

NY State Assemblyman Paul A.Tokasz (D)

Lt. Gov. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend (D-MD)

Lt. Gov.’s Chief of Staff Alan Fleischmann

Lt. Gov.’s Special Assistant William Mann

Michael R. Bloomberg, Mayor NYC, CEO Bloomberg L.P.-

Mayor Marc Morial (D) New Orleans LA

Michelle Miller (Mrs. Morial), Anchor/Reporter WWL-TV

Mayor Ralph Appezzato, (D) Alameda CA

Mayor Bill Purcell, Nashville TN

Mayor David Armstrong, Louisville KY

Tim Culver, Director of Communications, Office of Mayor Armstrong

Crystal Swann, Assistant Executive Director, US Conference of Mayors

Sen. Jon Corzine (D-NJ)

Rep. David Phelps (D-IL)

Rep. Tim Johnson (R-IL)

IL State Sen. Dave Syverson (R)

IL State Rep. Elizabeth Coulson (R)

Rep. Ernest Fletcher (R-KY)

Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA)

Rep. Elliot Engel (D-NY)

Rep. Martin Frost (D-TX)

Rep. Shelley Berkley (D-NV)

Rep. Brad Carson (D-OK)

Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-NY)

Rep. Calvin Dooley (D-CA)

Cheryl Reagan, Head of Grace News Network, Washington DC

Sen. John Andrews (R), CO State Senate, Minority Leader

Rep. William Crane (R), CO State Senate

Rep. Michael Garcia (D), CO State Senate

Sen. Kenneth Gordon (D), CO State Senate

Sen. Deanna Hanna (D), CO State Senate

Sen. Douglas Lamborn (R), CO State Senate

Rep. Mark Paschall (R), CO State Senate

Bruce Peterson, Chair of Arapahoe County (CO) Republicans

Caryn Garber, Aide to Rep. Mark Kirk (R-IL)

Jonathan Greenspun, NYC Commissioner, Mayor’s Community Assistance Unit

Ron Anderson, aide to Rep. James Walsh (R-NY)

Charles Dujon, Rep. Jesse Jackson (D-IL)

Kevin Horan, aide to Rep. Peter King (R-NY)

Andrew Hunter, aide to Rep. Norman Dicks (D-WA)

Kenny Kraft, aide to Rep. David Hobson (R-OH)

Michael Liles, aide to Rep. Rob Simmons (R-CT)

Matt Mandel, aide to Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA)

Tina Mufford, aide to Rep. Tom Reynolds (R-NY)

Sean Mulvaney, aide to Rep. Jim Kolbe (R-AZ)

Tom O’Donnell, aide to Rep. Lane Evans (D-IL)

Julie Philp, aide to Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL)

Gail Ravnitzky, aide to Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA)

James Sharp, aide to Rep. Michael Doyle (D-PA)

Jennifer Thompson, aide to Rep. Robin Hayes (R-NC)

Polly Trottenberg, aide to Sen. Charles Schumer (D-NY)

Richard Urey, aide to Rep. Shelley Berkley (R-NV)

Andy Vanlandingham, aide to Sen. Max Cleland (D-GA)

John Weaver, aide to Rep. Walter Jones (R-NC)

Rep. Peter Deutsch (D-FL)

Eric Lynn, aide to Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY)

David Lachman aide to Rep.Richard Gephardt (D-MO)

Rep. Ray LaHood (R-IL)

Janet Waxman, wife of Rep. Henry Waxman (D-CA)

Rep. Leonard Boswell (D-IA)

Rep. Ciro Rodriguez (D-TX)

Steve Elmendorf aide to Rep. Gephardt (D-MO)

Ted Van Der Mied, aide to House Speaker Dennis Hastert

Joan Mitchell, aide to Rep. LaHood

Brett O’Brien, aide to Rep. Gephardt

Dan Turton, aide to Rep. Gephardt

Major Guermantes Lailari, Assistant Air Attache, US Embassy

Dr. Nick Palarino, Senior Policy Analyst, House Committee on Government Reform

Rep. Peter Deutsch (D-FL)

Eric Lynn, aide to Rep Joseph Hoeffel (D-PA)

Rep. Jack Kingston (R-GA)

Rep. David Price (D-NC)

Wayne Owens, former Utah congressman and President, Center for Middle East Peace and Economic Development

Henry H. 'Hank' Perritt, Jr., (D)

Scott Waguespackide

Rev. Robert Tobi, Rector of Christ Church, Cambridge, MA

Deborah Bodlander, aide to Rep. Ben Gilman (R-NY)

Lakshmi Anand, Morris Plains, NJ

Dr. Raj Bothra, Detroit, MI

Gope Gidwani, Boston, MA

T. Kumar, Washington DC

Subash Razdan, Atlanta, GA

Mohammad Shakir, Miami, FL

Guy Billauer, Program Specialist, AJ Committee’s Arthur and Rochelle Belfer Center for American Pluralism, Acting Assistant Legislative Director, American Jewish Committee’s Office of Government and International Affairs

Malcolm Hoenlein, Executive Vice Chairman, Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations

Gary Bauer -leader Republican Right-

David R. Kotok, President, Cumberland Advisors, Inc.

Sergeant Robert L. Allen, West Palm Beach, FL

Leslie T. Annexstein, Washington, DC

Timothy Bradford, Pittsburgh, PA

Mayor Peggy J. Dunn, Leawood, Kansas

Scott M. Lambers, City Administrator of Leawood, Kansas

Gepsie M. Metellus, Miami, FL

Alderman Marvin Pratt, Milwaukee, WI

Emily Georges Gottfried, AJC Area Executive Director, Portland. OR

Mr. Marvin Szneler, AJC Kansas City Area Director, Kansas City, KS

Bill de Blasio, New York

Leroy Comrie-Majority Whip

James Davis

Simcha Felder

James Frederick Gennaro

Eric Neil Gioia

Melinda Rachel Katz

Gifford Miller, Speaker of the Council

Joel Rivera-Majority Leader

James Sanders

Jose Marco Serrano

David Wiprin

Howard Pollack, NYC Council Senior Staff

Christopher Policano, NYC Council Senior Staff

Michael Miller, NY JCRC

David Pollock, NY JCRC

Ronald Soloway NY UJA-Federation

Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-WA)

Rep. Chris Shays (R-CT)

Laurence J. Halloran, Aide to Rep. Shays, Staff director and Counsel, Subcommittee on Human Resources, Committee on Government Reform and Oversight

Rep. Jane Harman (D-CA)

Mike Smith, Deputy Fire Chief, Washington DC

William Thompson-Comptroller of the City of New York

Betsy Gotbaum-City Advocate of the City of New York

Jose Rivera-State Assembly member

Stephen Kaufman-State Assembly member

Adriano Espaillat-State Assembly member

Peter Rivera-State Assembly member

Hiram Monserrate-City Council member

Eddie Castel-Deputy to the Comptroller of the City of New York

Tom Suozzi Nassau County, NY Executive

Adam Clayton Powell IV-State Assembly member

Michael Miller-JCRC

Ronald Soloway-UJA Federation

Devora Goldberg, Crisis Communicator, American Red Cross

Fmr VT Gov. Howard Dean (D)

IL Comptroller Daniel Hynes

IL State Senator, Jeff Schoenberg

Hadassah Lieberman, wife of Sen. Joseph Lieberman (D-CT)

Gregory Menken, aide to NY Gov. Pataki (R)

Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL)

Rep. Steve Chabot(R-OH)

Rep. Mario Diaz -Balart (R-FL)

Rep. Todd Platts (R-PA)

Rep. William Janklow (R-SD)

Alan Makovsky, Senior Professional Staff Member (Dem.), House Committee on International Relations

Matthew Zweig, Staff Associate, Middle East and South Asia Subcommittee, House Committee on International Relations

Ms. Yleem Poblete, Staff Director, Middle East and South Asia Subcommittee, House

Jeannette Bogart

Ambassador John Wolf

Fmr House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-TX)

Rep Ander Crenshaw (R-FL)

Cory Alexander, aide to Rep. Steny Hoyer (MD)

Chuck Brimmer, aide to Rep. Robert Matsui (CA)

David Lafferty, aide to Rep. James Langevin (RI)

Brian Romick, aide to Rep. Steny Hoyer (MD)

Rep. Jesse Jackson, Jr. (D-IL)

Rep Gregory Meeks (D-NY)

Rep Anthony Weiner (D-NY)

Rep. Elliot Engel (D-NY)

New York City Council member Robert Jackson (District 7)

New York City Council member Gale Brewer (District 6)

Rep. Mark Kirk (R-IL)

Mike Brady, aide to Rep. Tom Reynolds (NY)

Brian Diffell, aide to Rep. Roy Blunt (MO)

Amy Steinmann, aide to aide to Rep. Roy Blunt (MO)

Shimmy Stein, Rep. Eric Cantor (VA)

Michael R. Bloomberg, Mayor, City of New York

Ed Koch, former Mayor of the City of New York

Rabbi Haskell Lookstein, member, Mayor's Human Rights Commission, NYC

Simcha Felder. NYC Council Member, (44th District)

Jonathan D. Greenspun, Commissioner of the Mayor’s Community Assistance Unit

Michael Miller, Head, NY JCRC

MI Rep.Rick Johnson, (R) Speaker of the House

MI Rep.Marc Shulman, (R) Chair, House Appropriations Committee

MI Rep. Chris Kol (D)

MI Sen. Jason Allen (R)

MI Sen. Samuel (Buzz) Thomas (D)

Fmr Secretary of the Treasury John Snow

Delegate Anthony Brown, (D) Member of the Maryland House of Delegates

Delegate Tawanna Gaines, (D) Member of the Maryland House of Delegates

Delegate Susan Lee, (D) Member of the Maryland House of Delegates

Delegate Doyle Niemann, (D) Member of the Maryland House of Delegates

Council member Jay Fisette, Member of Virginia County Board of Supervisors

MD Delegate Norman Conway, (D) Member of the House of Delegates

David Weaver, Director of Public Information, Montgomery County, MD

MD Delegate Herman Taylor, Jr. (D) Member of the Maryland House of Delegates

Delegate Norman Conway, (D) Member of the House of Delegates

David Weaver, Director of Public Information, Montgomery County, MD

Delegate Herman Taylor, Jr. Member of the Maryland House of Delegates

Sophie and Dr. Howard Hoffman, President, JCC of Greater Washington

Susan Weinberg, Vice President, Jewish Community Council of Greater Washington

Ronald Halber, Executive Director, Jewish Community Council of Greater Washington

Leah Weissman, Assistant Director, Jewish Community Council of Greater Washington

Manny Mandel, Jewish lay leader

Art Abramson, Executive Director of Baltimore Jewish Council

Anthony Brandon-General Manager and co owner of WYPR (public radio station)

James DiPaula-'Chip'- State Secretary of Dept. of Budget and Management

Christopher Eddings - Publisher of the Balt. Daily Record newspaper

Alan Edelman - President of BJC

Michael Enright-Deputy Mayor and Chief of Staff to Mayor Martin O'Malley

Deby Goldseker-Assistant Director of BJC

Betty Hines-wife of Ernest Hines

Ernest Hines-President and CEO of American Skyline Insurance Co.

Timothy Kelly-Trustee of Weinberg Foundation

Vivian Kelly

Alana Kirk

Kim Morton-Deputy Council to Governor Ehrlich

Beverly Penn

Sandy Rosenberg (D)

Marilyn Sabatini-wife of below

NelsonSabatini-Secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene for State of Maryland

Rikki Spector-City Council Woman

James T. Smith-Baltimore County Executive

Mark Wasserman-Senior VP for External Affairs at Univ. of MD Medical systems

Donn Weinberg-VP of Weinberg Foundation

Sharon Weinberg-wife of above

Adrienne Jones-State delegate for Baltimore County; Speaker Pro Tem for House of Delegates

Tom Wilcox-President of the Baltimore Community Foundation

MD Gov. Robert L.Ehrlich, Jr.(R)

Art Abramson, Ph.D. – Director, Baltimore Jewish Council

William (Bill) Askinazi– Asst. Secretary, Md. Dept. of Business & Development

Barry Bocage – Executive Director, Maryland – Israel Development Center

Dan Callihan – VP of Marketing, Northrup Grumman

Paul Clark– VP of Homeland Security, BAE Systems, North America

Jonathan Cohen – President and CEO, 20/20 Gene Systems

Edward (Lee) Cowen– President & Managing Partner, Chesapeake Government Relations

Robert Diamond – VP, Corporate Services Manugistics

James (Chip) DiPaula, Jr. – Secretary, Md. Dept. of Budget and Management

John Erikson – Chairman and CEO, Erikson Retirement Communities

Christopher Foster– State Technology Coordinator, Md. Dept. of Business and Economic Development

Norman Freidkin– Partner, Freidkin, Matrone & Horn, P.A.

Mark Gembicki– National Managing Director, Homeland Security

Steve Goldsmith – Sr. VP. Government & Strategic Development, ACS State and Local Solutions

Wynee Elizabeth Hawk– VP, External Relations, Greater Baltimore Medical Center

Terry Irgens – President, Dynport Vaccines

Lynn Katzen M.S.W. – Director, Israel/Middle Eastern Affairs, Baltimore Jewish Council

Steven Kreseski – Chief of Staff, Governor of Md.

Mark Lezell – Partner, Heideman, Lezell, Nudelman & Kalik, PC

Lawrence Macks– General Partner, Boulder Ventures

Greg Massoni– Press Secretary, Office of the Governor

Dennis Miller– Factory Sales Manager, M/A Com-Sigint Products

Edward Miller – Chief of Staff, Md. Dept. of Business and Economic Development

Martha Nathanson – Director, Govt. & Community Relations, LifeBridge Health System, Sinai Hospital

Morton Rapoport – Former President and CEO, University of Maryland Medical Systems

Nelson Sabatini– Secretary, Md. Dept. of Health and Mental Hygiene

Hanan (Bean) Sibel – Chairman, Maryland-Israel Development Center

Prof. Jonathan Zohar– Director, Center of Marine Biotechnology

Charlie Luken, Mayor of Cincinnati

GA Lt. Governor Mark Taylor

Christopher Carpenter, Taylor Chief of Staff

GA State Senator David Adelman –

Sandra Pappas – State Senator, Senate President Pro Tem

Phyllis Kahn– State Representative

Mary Jane Bridge

Barbara Nordstom-Loeb – Co-chair, Minnesota Jews for a Just Peace

Margaret (Peg) Sweeney – Duluth County, MN Commissioner

Ardis Becklin

Karen Kirkwo

Carolyn Engebretson – Becker County Commissioner

Cynthia McDonald

Rep. John Sweeney (R-NY)

NY State Assemblyman Steve Kaufman

CO State Rep. Debbie Stafford

CO State Rep. Lauri Clapp

CO Cabinet Member Rick O'Donnell

Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME)

Caryll Kyl, wife of Jon Kyl (R-AZ)

Ben Chevat, COS, Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D)

Dean D'Amore, COS, Rep. Sherwood Boehlert (R)

Wendy Darwell, COS, Rep. Maurice Hinchey (D)

Andrew Moskowitz, COS, Rep. Gary Ackerman (D)

Brenda Pillors, COS, Rep. Edolphus Towns (D)

Amy Rutkin COS, Rep. Gerry Nadler (D)

Veronica Sullivan, COS, Rep. Tony Weiner (D)

David Torian, COS, Rep. Michael McNulty (D)

Michael Miller, Executive Vice President, JCRC of New York

Harriet Mandel, JCRC of New York

Ronald Soloway, UJA-Federation

Dr. Homer Adams, AIPAC Member

Cathie Adams, AIPAC Member

Jim Arnold, Lt. Governor’s Campaign Manager

Ellen Arnold, Partner of Jim Arnold and Associates

Paul Colbert, Former State Representative

Bonnie Dadidakis, Republican Leader

Rep.Dianne Delisi, Texas House of Representatives, Defense Committee

Gary Polland, Mission Chair, Republican Chair Federation Board

Rep. Debbie Riddle, Texas House of Representative

Robert Silvers, Houston businessman

Senator Todd Staples

Rep. Larry Taylor, Texas House of Representatives

Senator John Whitmire

Whitney Whitmire, Daughter

John Goott, CRC International Relations Task Force Chair

Lisa Yoram, CRC Director

Kathleen Hollingsworth, Office of Rep. Dana Rohrabacher

Dr. Fadi Essmael, Office of Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA)

James Garner, Mayor of Hempstead NY, President, U.S. Conference of Mayors

Jane Campbell, Mayor of Cleveland, OH

Christina Cruz-Madrid, Mayor of Azusa, CA

Joseph Griffo, Executive, Oneida County, NY

Rosemarie Ives, Mayor of Redmond, WA

Charles Tooley, Mayor of Billings, MT

David G. Wallace, Mayor of Sugar Land, TX

Michael Wildes, Mayor of Englewood, NJ

Sheila Young, Mayor of San Leandro, CA

Barry Honig, National Leadership

Dr. Robert Ivker, National Leadership

Sandy Treadwell, Chairman, New York Republican State Committee

Greg Menken,Director, New York Regional Office, Republican Jewish Coalition

Gov. Linda Lingle (R-HI)

Vivian Aiona, wife of Lt. Governor James R. 'Duke' Aiona, Jr.

Stephanie Aveiro, Executive Director, Hawaii Housing Development Corporation

Gae Berquist Trommald – Commissioner, State Foundation on Culture and the Arts

Dr. Joyce Cassen – Member, Hawaii State Medical Advisory Board

Dr. Phillip Hellreich – President, Hawaii Medical Association; Member, Board of Election Judges

Miriam Hellreich – ranking member of the Republican Party

Lenny Klompus-Senior Communications Advisor to the governor

Lillian Koller – Director, Hawaii Department of Human Services

Sandra Kunimoto– Director, Marketing and Business Development, Hawaii Agricultural Advisory Council

Ronald Lagareta – Head, East-West Center

Kitty Lagareta – University Of Hawaii Board of Regents, Vice-Chair/Oahu

Major General Bob Lee – State Adjutant General

Img Lee–Civil Defense Coordinator, Honolulu Dept. of Public Works

Ted Liu – Director, Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism

Rep. Mark Moses (R) – Member Hawaii State Legislature

Alan Gifford Miller – Speaker

David Yassky – 33rd District – Brooklyn

Peter Vallone, Jr. – 22nd District – Queens

Christine Quinn – 3rd District – Manhattan

Larry Seabrook – 12th District – Bronx

Kendall Stewart – 45th District – Brooklyn

Helen Sears – 25th District – Queens

Jo Ann Shapiro– Community Leader, Rockaway

Howard Pollack– Legislative Coordinator, Office of the Speaker

Gur Tsabar – Press Liaison, Office of the Speaker

Michael Miller – Executive Vice-President, NYJCRC

Phyllis Miller – Special Needs Advocate, NY Board of Jewish Education

Ronald Solloway– Managing Director for Government and External Relations, UJA Federation of NY

David Rosenthal – Director of City Policy, UJA-Federation of NY

Dennis R. Schrader, Director, Maryland Department of Homeland Security

Frederick E. Davis, Sheriff, Charles County, Maryland

Lt. Col. Stephen T. Moyer, Homeland Security and Intelligence Bureau, Maryland State Police

James M. Pettit, Communications Director, Maryland Department of Homeland Security

James Ports, Assistant Secretary, Maryland Department of Transportation

Stephen D. Sheehan, Deputy Executive Director Airport Operations, Maryland Aviation Administration

John H. Spearman, Vice President, Cowley Shock Trauma Center, University of Md. Medical Center

Dr. Melissa Brown

Rep. Jim Gerlach (R-PA)

Senator Armstrong Gibson

Senator Stewart Greenleaf

Senator Robert Jubelirer, Senate President Pro Tempore

Senator Robert Mellow

Senator Raphael Musto

Senator Michael Stack III

Marx Leopold, Budget Chief for Senator Fumo

Anthony Lepore, Chief of Staff to Senator Jubelirer

David Atkinson, Executive Assistant to Senator Jubelirer

Barton Hertzbach, Philadelphia Federation CRC

Robin Schatz, Govt. Relations Director, Philadelphia Federation

Joel Weisberg, Executive Director Pennsylvania Jewish Coalition

Gordon Bergh, Assistant Director, Austin-Travis County EMS

Chris Callsen, Senior Division Commander, Austin-Travis County EMS

William Steven Collier, Emergency Management Officer, Office of Emergency Management

Dr. Patrick James Crocker, Medical Director, Brackenridge Emergency Department

Harold Robert Evans Jr. Battalion Chief, Austin Fire Department

David Stuart Gruell, Clinical Practical Manager, Austin-Travis County EMS

State Senator Sam Aanestad (R)

State Senator Jim Brulte (R)

State Assemblyman Rick Keene (R)

State Assemblyman Doug LaMalfa (R)

State Assemblyman Lloyd E. Levine (D) Majority Whip

State Assemblyman Kevin McCarthy (R) Minority Leader

State Assemblywoman Cindy Montanez (D)

FL State Rep. Anne Gannon (D)

Mayor Robert Walkup (R), Tucson AZ

NY State Sen. Joseph Robach (R)

Maggie Brooks (R), Monroe County, NY Executive

Alan G Hevesi (D), Comptroller, State of New York

David Loglisci, Deputy Comptroller, State of New York

Rep. Shelley Berkley (D-NV)

Dr. Carolyn Bennett, Canadian Minister of State (Public Health)

Dr. Sylvie Stachenko, Deputy Chief Public Health Officer, Canada

Member of Canadian Parliament Michael Savage

Member of Canadian Parliament Anita Neville

Michael Spowart, Chief of Staff, Canadian Minister of State (Public Health)

Hillary Geller, Chief of Staff, Canadian Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness

Natalie Berg, President, JCRC of San Francisco

Miguel Bustos, Community Leader

Brian Cheu, Executive Director for Chinese Affirmative Action

Supervisor Bevan Dufty, San Francisco Board of Supervisors

Rabbi Douglas Kahn, Executive Director, JCRC of San Francisco

Tom Kasten, vice-president JCRC

Supervisor Sophie Maxwell, San Francisco Board of Supervisors

Abby Michaelson-Porth, Associate Director, San Francisco JCRC

David Serrano-Sewall, Independent Citizens' Oversight Committee, Deputy City Attorney of San Francisco

Jesse Smith, Chief Assistant City Attorney of San Francisco

Jeffrey Thomas, District Director, Office of Congresswoman Barbara Lee