Voice of the White House
November 8, 2014
Washington, D.C.: A constant subject for the high-level intelligence people inside the Beltway is the progress of what is called 'The Plan.'
This is a long-term program, formulated and implemented, by the far-right element in the government and eagerly supported by the so-called neo-cons.
The purpose of this program is to destabilize Russia, force Putin and his supporters out of office and to replace them, as was done during the reign of the CIA-friendly Yeltsin, with persons friendly to the United States aims and, specially, friendly to US business interests.
Russia is in possession of a very large reservoir of natural resources from oil to gold to natural gas and American interests very nearly had their controlling hands on all of this during the Yeltsin years but lost it when Putin got in control.
They hate his intractable nationalism and have done, and are doing, everything they can to discredit, defeat and eventually oust him.
A major part of The Plan has been to get physical control of countries surrounding Russia from the Baltic states to the 'Stans and to ring Russia with American-oriented and friendly countries.
Putin, aware of this because of the obviousness of the plottings and also because of very high-level information leaks from Washington, responded and with deadly effect. Georgia was run by a domestic politician who was eccentric and egotistical, but in the pocket of Washington and who allowed American troops and their military equipment to pour into the country.
But two Georgian provinces, inhabited mostly by Russians, objected to the blatantly pro-West government in Tiblisi and protested.
Georgia's answer was to threaten force and, with full American support, to mass Georgian troops on the borders of these provinces.
Putin responded by sending a Russian military strike force into the area in support of the break-away areas and this caused a two-fold retreat on the part of American supporters. The military units rapidly evacuated west to the Black Sea and US Naval evacuation, while an army of CIA personnel fled in terror to the airport at Tiblisi to avoid capture. This demarche disillusioned a number of Eastern European countries who then toned down their anti-Russian rhetoric and made pacifistic moves towards the Kremlin.
A very high-level Polish government contingent flying into Smolensk to confer with the Russians was destroyed when their aircraft, responding to faked ground signals at the fog-shrouded Smolensk airport, slammed into the ground, wiping out the top level Poles. The Russians did not destroy the Poles but American intelligence operatives did.
This pointless slaughter was designed to teach wavering cantonists a lesson.
And the so-called 'Orange Revolution' in the Ukraine was entirely a CIA operation.
The government in that country was replaced with a pro-Western one and the Ukraine was then viewed in Washington as another country to stock with threatening American missiles and troops.
When the Ukrainians tired of the corruption that inevitably is attendant upon a pro-West government and eventually elected a pro-Russian president, the CIA predictably responded by fomenting civil strife in Kiev, and when that appeared to be waning, had their surrogates start shooting at random into the crowd to stir up public anger.
Putin's response was to occupy the Russian-populated Crimea, hold an election that overwhelmingly supported union with Russia and gained the important naval base at Sevastopol that the Ukraine had promised to the US Navy and, more important, the Crimean off-shore oil fields and a coastline that permitted an easier installation of the South Stream oil transmission line from Russian oil fields to Southern Europe.
The fury of the balked intelligence and governmental organs in Washington has been monumental and because a restive Europe is presenting a disunited front in the dictated attacks on Russia, more pressure is being planned to further threaten and pressure Putin.
The oil-rich Arctic is a prime future battlefield selected by Washington to engage the Russians, but the latter hold most of the geo-political cards.
And attempts to economically isolate Russia can easily backfire and create economic chaos with America's economic powers.
The Russians hold 118 billion dollars worth of US Treasury certificate and their tenative allies, the Chinese, hold one trillion dollars of the same certificates. Should these countries, against whom the United States has been conducting clandestine political warfare, ever decide to jointly dump these financial instruments, the collapse of the dollar as the leading international currency would create an economic crisis that could easily prove fatal to Washington.
When tempted to fight fire with fire, remember that the fire department usually uses water.