Best of the Net Archive: What You Need to Know for Your Future

"Technology, in common with many other activities, tends toward avoidance of risk by investors. Uncertainty is ruled out if possible. Capital investment follows this rule, since people generally prefer the predictable. Few recognize how destructive this can be, how it imposes severe limits upon variability, thus leaving whole populations fatally vulnerable to the shocking ways our universe can throw the dice at you." - Frank Herbert, Heretics of Dune

What You Need to Know for Your Future

Life on Mars? - Part II

Thinking about Joining the U.S. Military? - Part II - Part III - Part IV

West Point Military Academy Introduces Courses in Deconstructing Patriotism, Cross-Dressing in the Military, Gender Norms and Representation in the Ranks

Have American Health Care & Education been Hijacked by Demonic Corporate Forces?

Rabbi Admits Jews are Aliens Here to Conquer Earth - Part II - Part III - Part IV

Why Doesn't Mitch McConnell Blink? - Part II


Check Out Genocide Joe's Neck Line + If Only He Had a Brain... - Part II

They Live

Humans NOT Indigenous to Our Solar System - Who OWNS ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, CNN, MTV, HBO, Showtime, The New York Times, The Detroit News, etc., etc., etc???

Displaced - Part II - Part III

The Miami Mall Aliens - Part II - Part III - Part IV - Part V

Can You Explain These Six Videos?

Land of the Lost? Extinct Animals Captured on Camera - Part II

Unexplained Lunar & Martian Objects

Otherworldly Encounters - Part II - Part III

More Shocking Alien Captures - Part II - Part III - Part IV - Part V - Part VI - Part VII - Part VIII - Part IX - Part X - Part XI - Part XII - Part XIII

Are Dinosaurs & Dragons Extinct?

They Might Be Giants - Part II - Part III

More Shocking Video Captures You're Not Supposed to See

Do You Believe in Mermaids? - Part II - Part III - Part IV - Part V

Glitches in the Matrix You're Not Supposed to See - Part II - Part III - Part IV - Part V - Part VI - Part VII - Part VIII - Part IX

More Celebrities & Politicians Caught Shapeshifting on Camera - Part II - Part III

Are Music Performers Selling their Souls to Satan? - Part II

The Psychology of Psychopaths: The Snakes Among Us - Part II - Part III - Part IV

The Phage - Part II

Drugged & Butchered: How Organ Traffickers Operate

The Rules Have Changed

What's Happening in New Orleans?

No Way! - Part II - Part III - Part IV - Part V - Part VI

Here's a Video Every Drill Sergeant Should Watch - Part II

Shocking Grand Canyon Discoveries

Shocking Antarctic Discoveries - Part II

Camera Captures You're Not Supposed to See - Part II - Part III

Best Bigfoot Videos Ever! - Part II - Part III - Part IV - Part V - Part VI - Part VII - Part VIII - Part IX - Part X - Part XI - Part XII - Part XIII

Bigfoot Captured

The Unexplained Videos of Stella Lansing

15 Shocking NASA Discoveries

Creepy Camping Encounters - Part II

15 Closed Camera Captures You're Not Supposed to See

More Unexplained Captures - Part II - Part III - Part IV - Part V - Part VI - Part VII - Part VIII - Part IX - Part X - Part XI - Part XII - Part XIII - Part XIV - Part XV - Part XVI - Part XVII - Part XVIII - Part XIX - Part XX - Part XXI - Part XXII - Part XXIII - Part XXIV

More Shocking Trail Cam Captures You're Not Supposed to See - Part II - Part III - Part IV - Part V - Part VI

Strange Military Encounters with Unidentified Creatures

Crazy Cave Captures - Part II

Unexplained Captures from Above - Part II - Part III

More Drone Captures You're Not Supposed to See - Part II

Ouija Board Sessions Gone Wrong - Part II - Part III

Top Israeli General & Space Chief Makes Shocking Alien Confession

Former President of Russian Republic Kalmykia and Head of International Chess Federation Details Alien Abduction - Part II

Declassified Soviet UFO Encounters Revealed

More UFO Captures - Part II

More Alien Captures - Part II

Pentagon Confirms UFOs are Real

Who OWNS ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, CNN, MTV, HBO, The New York Times, etc., etc., etc.?

Breaking Free from the Matrix: Welcome to the Real World

Displaced - Part II - Part III - Part IV - Part V - Part VI - Part VII

V - Part II - Part III - Part IV

Has America been Hijacked by Jews? - Part II - Part III - Part IV - Part V - Part VI - Part VII - Part VIII - Part IX

Did 50 Million People Live as Slaves in 2021?

Top Twenty Alien Arguments

Best Evidence Aliens Exist

They Live

A New Life

When Being Quiet Means Not Being Suicided

Alien Code

A Special Edition

Survivor of Ritual Satanic Abuse Speaks

Former ABC Reporter who Claimed to Debunk Pizzagate Scandal Pleads Guilty to Child Porn Charges

Is the Blood of Terrorized Children a Form of Currency in Hollywood?

Adrenochrome Empire

Is Hillary Clinton a Witch?

How the CIA Works - The CIA likes to whisper things in people's ears while they're sleeping to make them do things they would not normally do, and yes, I've been a victim of them in the past...

Agents of the Swarm

Is there a Link between Human Trafficking & UFOs?

38 Million Displaced by America's Global War on Terror?

Is there an Alien Base on the Moon? (HINT HINT: The same side of the Moon ALWAYS faces Earth!)

UFO Alarm over Denver

Are You Being Colonized?

Was there an Ancient Civilization on Mars?

Medical Doctor & Traumatologist Reveals Classified Alien Encounters

Battle at the Top for UFO Disclosure

Rob's First Paranormal Experience

Paranormal Experiments Commissioned & Funded by Governments

UFO Disclosure

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev: "Extraterrestrials Live Among Us"

Top Five Extraterrestrial Encounters Reported by Soldiers

David Icke and the Lizard Apocalypse - Part II - Rob agrees with all of this except the part about our Moon being a hollowed out space station/ship as almost all planets have moons. I can tell you that the same side of our Moon ALWAYS faces Earth and that no human has ever seen the dark side of our Moon from Earth. Rumor has it there's an alien space station on the dark side of our Moon...

Worlds Before Our Own

Alien Skeletons Excavated in Sonora, Mexico

Alien Encounters from New Tomorrowland

Are there 64 Billion Habitable Planets in Our Galaxy Alone?

Is there Water on Mars?

Remnants of a Civilization on Mars? - Part II - Part III

Magicians of the Gods

Is there an Underground Ocean on Saturn's Moon Titan? - Part II

University of California Astrophysics Professor Steven Vogt: "Odds of Life on Newfound Earth-Sized Planet 'Gliese 581g' 100%"

UFO Discovered at Bottom of Baltic Sea Cuts Off Electrical Equipment When Divers Get Within 200 Meters

  • The united states federal government DOES in fact handicap individuals (who have not committed any crimes) based strictly on their genetic profile from birth. People born with a certain gene, sometimes referred to as the "Vulcan" or "Fearless" gene, are targeted by the CIA and law enforcement for harrassment and false imprisonment. Consider yourself warned.

  • Before the year 1900, Nicarauga's Number One Source of Income, was in fact, Selling Blood to Americans.

    BEFORE YOU ENLIST - Part II - Part III - Part IV - Part V - Part VI - Part VII - Part VIII - Part IX - Part X - Did you know the U.S. Military takes a pint of blood from you on your very first day of active duty?

    The Truth the Media is Forbidden to Tell You - Part II

    A Special Edition

    Serpents Among Us?

    Does Satan Rule Humanity?

    Missing People the National Parks Don't Want You to Know About

    The Finders

    Modern Times - Part II

    Former CIA Officer and Judge on Human Trafficking, Satanism & the Deep State

    Is Facebook an Online Platform for Sex Trafficking?

    Down the Wayfair Rabbit Hole

    The Satanists Among Us

    Are the Majority of Murderers in the LA County Jail Satanists?

    Good vs. Evil: A Declaration of War

    Top Ten Signs Western Society is actually a Satanic Cult

    The Vampire Effect

    No More War: How the West Violates International Law by Using 'Humanitarian' Intervention to Advance Economic and Strategic Interests

    You Can't Have a War without Soldiers

    US Veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan Return War Medals at NATO Summit

    How the US Army Strips Benefits of Wounded Veterans by Kicking Them Out for Misconduct

    Is there a Suicide Epidemic in the US Military?

    Pentagon Reports Record Number of US Military Suicides

    Do 8,000 American Veterans Commit Suicide Every Year?

    The Hidden Epidemic

    Do 22 American Veterans Commit Suicide Every Day? - Part II - Part III

    They Didn't Know What They Were Getting Into

    The Required Blood Sacrifice

    What American Soldiers Actually Sign Up For

    America's Deep State Waging Absurd Wars: American Kids and the World Pay the Price

    Does the University of Louisville's English Department STEAL their Students' Stories? - Part II - Part III

    Zig Zag

    What they're NOT Telling You about Enlisting in the United States Military - Part II

    And Then He Decided Not to Be

    Confessions of a Former Gang Member

    Thanks For Your Military Service? Are You Joking?

    As Above, So Below - Part II

    Does the US Military have Recruiting PROBLEMS?

    Grave Dancers' Union - Part II

    Key U.S. Ally in Southern Europe Indicted for Organ Trade Murder Scheme

    Is the Former Head of the CIA a Dinosaur?

    Is Donald Trump a Dinosaur?

    Is Hillary Clinton a Dinosaur?

    Is George W. Bush a Dinosaur?

    Is Ron Paul a Dinosaur? - Part II

    Is Mitt Romney a Dinosaur

    Do Dinosaurs Report Your News? - Part II

    More Shapeshifting Caught on Tape - Part II

    Has America been Hijacked by an Alien Presence?

    Louisville's Diane Sawyer during Commercial Break

    Is John Travolta a Dinosaur?

    Aliens Among Us?

    Do Demons Walk Among Us?

    They Live

    Jews of a Feather, Drink Blood Together

    The Blood Mobile

    Make You a Believer


    The Matrix Document

    Dead Walking the Earth? - Part II

    The Matrix Document: Reloaded

    The Matrix Document, Confirmed

    The Unanswered Mystery of the 7,000 Year Old Lizardmen

    Suppressing a Truth Gives It Strength Beyond Endurance - Part II

    What You Need to Know for Your Future - Part II

    The Intergalactic Slaughterhouse

    Wiping Countries Off the Map: Who's Failing the Failed States?

    So Much Blood. So Many Hands. So Little Culpability. No Remorse.

    America's Long History of Bloodletting

    They Live?

    The Enslaved Species

    Parasite Capitalism

    Blue Dot

    Will Participating in Masonic/Jewish/Satanic/CIA Blood Rituals Help Improve Your Career? - Part II - Part III

    How to Recognize a Satanist - Part II

    The Hallmark of Satanic Possession

    22 Faces

    Satanism Explained

    The Devil in Detroit

    After School Satan Program Aims for Elementary Students

    The Voice of Reason and Humanism Against Christians?

    Where Satanists Perform Rituals

    The Satanists Among Us: Did You Catch the Britney Spears RT Video Where She's Beaten for Trying to Abduct a Child? - Part II - Part III - Part IV

    America's Matrix

    Where UFOs Hide

    Dark Side of the Moon

    Does the Same Side of the Moon ALWAYS Face Earth??? - Part II - Part III - Part IV - Part V - Part VI - Part VII - Part VIII

    Is there Water on the Moon?

    Is there Water on Mars?

    NASA Space Shuttle Camera Captures Multiple UFOs on Video

    A New Life

    Zionism = Satanism

    Judaism: Satanism, Sorcery & Black Magic

    Ten Famous Satanists

    Are Satanic Symbols Appearing at Government Buildings All Across America?

    Lost Souls

    Modern Art as a Weapon

    Resistance and Hope

    New Russian Nuclear Space Engine Enables Travel to Mars in Six Weeks

    The Top Ten Secret Military Bases Our Government Doesn't Want You to Know About

    Great Britian Launches New Space Agency

    U.S. Department of Defense Establishes UFO Task Force

    Russian Soldiers Find Recently Deceased Dinosaur

    Final Destination

    God's Other Door

    The Devil Protects His Own - Part II

    The Red Flag of Demonization

    Cocaine Found in NASA Space Shuttle Hangar

    Does the CIA Deal Drugs to America's Youth?

    Hung Out to Dry

    Inside the CIA: Child Porn, Contract Fraud, False Billing, and Nepotism

    Does the CIA Fire its Officers for Not Falsifying their Reports on Iraq's Weapons of Mass Destruction? - Part II

    How the CIA Teaches its Operatives to Infiltrate the World's Airports

    CIA Torture and Other War Crimes - Part II

    General Michael "Big Head" Hayden LIES for the CIA

    Former CIA Station Chief Accused of Rape

    The Truth the Media is Forbidden To Tell You

    Didn't EVERY Major Media Outlet in America (Including Claim The Oklahoma City Federal Building was Blown Up by a Truck Bomb??? - Part II

    A Million McVeighs

    The Congressional Record of Testimony For The Oklahoma City Federal Building Bombing Damage Analysis

    WHY Timothy McVeigh Blew Up The Oklahoma City Federal Building - Part II

    Would You Like Chips with That?

    Still Ridiculing People Who Talk About Forced Microchip Implants? - Part II - Part III

    How the Feds SCREW America's Veterans for Retention Purposes - Part II

    Who Would Jesus Bomb? - Part II

    The Eugenics Wars

    A New Form of Domestic Terrorism

    Dirty Laundry

    Challenging the Silence

    What If They Gave a War and Nobody Came?

    The New Thin Blue Line

    Does the CIA have 3,000 Documents on Torture Tapes? - Part II

    Has Bush's Torture Policies Killed Thousands of American Soldiers?

    Four Psychologists at the Gates of Hell

    Guess Who Leads the World in Human Rights' Violations? - Part II - Part III - Part IV - Part V - Part VI - Part VII - Part VIII - Part IX - Part X - Part XI - Part XII - Part XIII - Part XIV - Part XV - Part XVI - Part XVII - Part XVIII - Part XIX - Part XX - Part XXI - Part XXII - Part XXIII - Part XXIV - Part XXV - Part XXVI - Part XXVII - Part XXVIII - Part XXIX - Part XXX - Part XXXI - Part XXXII - Part XXXIII - Part XXXIV - Part XXXV - Part XXXVI - Part XXXVII - Part XXXVIII - Part XXXIX - Part XL - Part XLI - Part XLII - Part XLIII - Part XLIV - Part XLV - Part XLVI - Part XLVII - Part XLVIII - Part XLIX - Part L - Part LI - Part LII - Part LIII - Part LIV - Part LV - Part LVI - Part LVII - Part LVIII - Part LIX - Part LX - Part LXI - Part LXII - Part LXIII - Part LXIV - Part LXV - Part LXVI - Part LXVII - Part LXVIII - Part LXIX - Part LXX - Part LXXI - Part LXXII - Part LXXIII - Part LXXIV - Part LXXV - Part LXXVI - Part LXXVII - Part LXXVIII - Part LXXIX - Part LXXX - Part LXXXI - Part LXXXII - Part LXXXIII - Part LXXXIV - Part LXXXV - Part LXXXVI - Part LXXXVII - Part LXXXVIII - Part LXXXIX - Part XC - Part XCI - Part XCII - Part XCIII - Part XCIV - Part XCV - Part XCVI - Part XCVII - Part XCVIII - Part XCIX - Part C - Part CI - Part CII - Part CIII - Part CIV - Part CV - Part CVI - Part CVII - Part CVIII - Part CIX - Part CX - Part CXI - Part CXII - Part CXIII - Part CXIV - CXV - Part CXVI - Part CXVII - Part CXVIII - Part CIX - Part CXX - Part CXXI - Part CXXII - Part CXXIII - CXXIV - Part CXXV - Part CXXVI - Part CXXVII - Part CXXVIII - Part CXXIX - Part CXXX - Part CXXXI - Part CXXXII - Part CXXXIII - Part CXXXIV - Part CXXXV - Part CXXXVI - Part CXXXVII - Part CXXXVIII - Part CXXXIX - Part CXL - Part CXLI - Part CXLII - Part CXLIII - Part CXLIV - Part CXLV - Part CXLVI - Part CXLVII - Part CXLVIII - Part CXLIX - Part CL - Part CLI - Part CLII - Part CLIII - Part CLIV - Part CLV - Part CLVI - Part CLVII - Part CLVIII - Part CLIX - Part CLX - Part CLXI - Part CLXII - Part CLXIII - Part CLXIV - Part CLXV - Part CLXVI - Part CLXVII - Part CLXVIII - Part CLXIX - Part CLXX - Part CLXXI - Part CLXXII - Part CLXXIII - Part CLXXIV - Part CLXXV - Part CLXXVI - Part CLXXVII - Part CLXXVIII - Part CLXXIX - Part CLXXX - Part CLXXXI - Part CLXXXII - Part CLXXXIII - Part CLXXXIV - Part CLXXXV - Part CLXXXVI - Part CLXXXVII - Part CLXXXVIII - Part CLXXXIX - Part CXC - Part CXCI - Part CXCII

    The Crucifixion

    Never Constrained by its Congressional Budget

    US Senate Intelligence Committee CIA Torture Report

    Getting Away with Torture

    Is Torture an Effective and Reliable Means of Gathering Intelligence?

    Finding Excuses to Torture

    Is it LEGAL for Cops to Track & Torture Veterans Upon their Release from Active Duty for Retention Purposes in America??? - Part II - Part III - Part IV - Part V - Part VI - Part VII - Part VIII - Part IX - Part X - Part XI - Part XII - Part XIII - Part XIV - Part XV - Part XVI - Part XVII - Part XVIII - Part XIX - Part XX - Part XXI - Part XXII - Part XXIII - Part XXIV - Part XXV - Part XXVI - Part XXVII - Part XXVIII - Part XXIX - Part XXX - Part XXXI - Part XXXII - Part XXXIII - Part XXXIV - Part XXXV - Part XXXVI - Part XXXVII - Part XXXVIII - Part XXXIX - Part XL - Part XLI - Part XLII - Part XLIII - Part XLIV - Part XLV - Part XLVI - Part XLVII - Part XLVIII - Part XLIX - Part L - Part LI - Part LII - Part LIII - Part LIV

    Have I Got a Skyscraper For You


    The Empire Strikes Back

    Succumbing to the Dark Side

    The President's Secret Army

    The Spreading of False Ideologies into Our Culture

    Weaving Like Drunks into the Event Horizon

    Outsourcing Torture

    Tortured Logic, Tortured Results

    Dark as a Dungeon: A Brutal System Stripped Bare

    Who Are We?

    Reclaiming America�s Soul

    The Torture Question

    The Year of Living Dangerously - Part II

    Did the Northern Illinois University Gunman Target Specific Individuals?

    You Can Run But You Can't Hide - Part II

    CIA Front Organizations

    Dodging CIA Reform

    Contra Crack

    When the CIA Overthrew Iran for British Petroleum

    When Human Destiny is at Stake

    Globalist Codeword for Genocide

    Dark Side of the Moon