Best of the Net Archive: The Unwinnable Wars

"Atrocity is recognized as such by victim and perpetrator alike, by all who learn about it at whatever remove. Atrocity has no excuses, no mitigating argument. Atrocity never balances or rectifies the past. Atrocity merely arms the future for more atrocity. It is self-perpetuating upon itself - a barbarous form of incest. Whoever commits atrocity also commits those future atrocities thus bread." - Frank Herbert, Dune

Part I: Iraq

Why I am Opposed to the Wars in Asia

The Biggest Con of the 21st Century?

War Made Easy - Part II

Once Upon a Time in Iraq - Part II: Fallujah

Remembering Iraq

Remembering the My Lai Massacre

Who Gave Saddam Hussein Weapons of Mass Destruction during the 1980s Iran-Iraq War?

What about Iraq?

Is America Still at War in Iraq?

When Truth is Treason: Iraq War Diaries at Ten Years

The Top 12 Ways the U.S. Invasion of Iraq Lives On in Infamy

Criminals at Large

Militarism in a Time of Pandemic: The Arrogance of America's War in Iraq

'We Will Prevail:' Three Words, Three American Presidents and an Endless War in Iraq - Part II

Chaos in Iraq - Part II

Amnesty International Accuses America of War Crimes in Iraq

The Single Worst Foreign Policy Decision in American History?

Former US Marine Ken O'Keefe on Invading Iraq - Part II - Part III

How Bush & Cheney Ruined America and the World

Are HALF the Veterans Returning from Iraq and Afghanistan Disabled?

US Veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan Return War Medals at NATO Summit

Moral Injury and America's Endless Conflicts

U.S. Government Found Guilty in Dr. Martin Luther King's Assassination

This is What War Does - Part II

US Air Strike Accidentally Killed 200 Civilians in Mosul, Iraq on March 25, 2017

Iraq For Sale: The War Profiteers

Some Wars Aren't Meant to be Won: Taking a Walk on the Dark Side

Dying for Nothing

A War Crime, Pure and Simple

On the Dark Side in Al Doura: A Soldier in the Shadows

Measuring Deaths in Iraq

On Not Reporting from Iraq

War Lies

History They Won't Teach in Schools

A Very Profitable War

Iraq For Sale - Part II

Hidden Iraq

Cowboys in Iraq

Ever Wonder what Veterans Returning from Iraq Have to Say?

Inside the Invasion and Occupation of Iraq - Part II

A Dish Best Served Cold

Helen Thomas Asks President Bush Why He Went to War

The Red Cross on Iraq

Are American Soldiers Staging Mutinies in Iraq?

Christmas Time in Iraq

Gangs of Iraq

Bad Voodoo's War

US War Crimes Caught on Video

One of History's Greatest Crimes

Do 20% of the Troops Returning from Iraq & Afghanistan have Traumatic Brain Injuries?

The Unwinnable War - Part II - Part III - Part IV - Part V - Part VI - Part VII - Part VIII - Part IX - Part X - Part XI - Part XII - Part XIII - Part XIV - Part XV - Part XVI - Part XVII - Part XVIII - Part XIX - Part XX - Part XXI - Part XXII - Part XXIII - Part XXIV - Part XXV - Part XXVI - Part XXVII - Part XXVIII - Part XXIX - Part XXX - Part XXXI - Part XXXII - Part XXXIII - Part XXXIV - Part XXXV - Part XXXVI - Part XXXVII - Part XXXVIII - Part XXXIX - Part XL - Part XLI - Part XLII - Part XLIII - Part XLIV - Part XLV - Part XLVI - Part XLVII - Part XLVIII - Part XLIX - Part L - Part LI - Part LII - Part LIII - Part LIV - Part LV - Part LVI - Part LVII - Part LVIII - Part LIX - Part LX - Part LXI - Part LXII - Part LXIII - Part LXIV - Part LXV - Part LXVI - Part LXVII - Part LXVIII - Part LXIX - Part LXX - Part LXXI - Part LXXII - Part LXXIII - Part LXXIV - Part LXXV - Part LXXVI - Part LXXVII - Part LXXVIII - Part LXXIX - Part LXXX - Part LXXXI - Part LXXXII - Part LXXXIII - Part LXXXIV - Part LXXXV - Part LXXXVI - Part LXXXVII - Part LXXXVIII - Part LXXXIX - Part XC - Part XCI - Part XCII - Part XCIII - Part XCIV - Part XCV - Part XCVI - Part XCVII - Part XCVIII - Part XCIX - Part C - Part CI - Part CII - Part CIII - Part CIV - Part CV - Part CVI - Part CVII - Part CVIII - Part CIX - Part CX - Part CXI - Part CXII - Part CXIII - Part CXIV - Part CXV - Part CXVI - Part CXVII - Part CXVIII - Part CXIX - Part CXX - Part CXXI - Part CXXII - Part CXXIII - Part CXXIV - Part CXXV - Part CXXVI - Part CXXVII - Part CXXVIII - Part CXXIX - Part CXXX - Part CXXXI - Part CXXXII - Part CXXXIII - Part CXXXIV - Part CXXXV - Part CXXXVI - Part CXXXVII - Part CXXXVIII - Part CXXXIX - Part CXL - Part CXLI - Part CXLII - Part CXLIII - Part CXLIV - Part CXLV - Part CXLVI - Part CXLVII - Part CXLVIII - Part CXLIX - Part CL - Part CLI - Part CLII - Part CLIII - Part CLIV - Part CLV - Part CLVI - Part CLVII - Part CLVIII - Part CLIX - Part CLX

Is The Iraqi Resistance Using Armor Piercing Hand Grenades?

Baghdad Sniper

Baghdad Sniper Two

The City on the Edge of Forever - The Killing Fields - The Lost Generation

The Insurgency

The Balance of Terror - Part II - Part III - Part IV - Part V - Part VI - Part VII - Part VIII - Part IX - Part X - Part XI - Part XII - Part XIII - Part XIV - Part XV - Part XVI - Part XVII - Part XVIII - Part XIX - Part XX - Part XXI - Part XXII - Part XXIII - Part XXIV - Part XXV - Part XXVI - Part XXVII - Part XXVIII - Part XXIX - Part XXX - Part XXXI - Part XXXII

Hell's Kitchen - Part II - Part III - Part IV - Part V - Part VI - Part VII - Part VIII

Before and After - Part II - Part III - Part IV

Iraqi Resistance Video Reports for December, 2007

Iraqi Resistance Video Reports for Christmas, 2007

Iraqi Resistance Video Reports for January, 2008

Iraqi Resistance Video Reports for the Fall of 2007 and Winter of 2008

Iraqi Resistance Video Reports for March, 2008

Iraqi Resistance Video Reports for Spring, 2008

Iraqi Resistance Video Reports for October, 2008

Iraqi Resistance Video Reports for December, 2008

Iraqi Resistance Video Reports for May of 2009

Iraqi Resistance Video Reports for June, 2009 - June, 2010

Inside the Resistance

Hidden Facts of The Iraqi Resistance

Why They Hate Us

Video of Iraqi Civilians Massacred by American Soldiers Near Baiji

The Secret Iraq Files

Atrocity Now

Winning Hearts and Minds Through Massacres

The Other Surge

Do 25 US Veterans Commit Suicide for Every Soldier Killed in Iraq & Afghanistan?

25 Disturbing Facts about Psychotropic Drugs, Soldiers, and Suicides

The Surge at Home

The Wounded Platoon

War's Hidden Death Toll

Iraqi Resistance Down Apache - Iraqi Resistance Road Mines - Iraqi Resistance Night Attack - Iraqi Resistance Prisoner Song

An Anniversary Too Sad to Celebrate

More US Soldiers Die in Vain

Lessons from the Dead in a No-Learning-Curve World

War Porn

More War Crime Images the Pentagon Doesn't Want You to See: The Kill Team Photos

The Maimed

How a Three-Word Mantra Undermined America

The Fictional War on Terror - Part II - Part III - Part IV - Part V - Part VI - Part VII - Part VIII - Part IX - Part X - Part XI - Part XII - Part XIII

The Fable of the Century

Fables of the Reconstruction - Part II - Part III

Your Tax Dollars at War - Part II - Part III

Real Money for an Imaginary War

The Pentagon's War on Accountability

Truth, Lies, and Weapons of Mass Destruction

Under the Eye of the Imperial Panopticon

Our Big, Fat, Invisible Wars

Wrong End of the Rainbow

Soldiers in Fantasyland and their Civilian Enablers

The War On Terror: An Exercise in Hypocrisy

The Destruction of a Modern Arab Civilization

The Mother of All Messes

The SECRET Baghdad Deal - Part II

The Nightmare

Another Day, Another Gate of Hell Swings Open

Driving Through the Gates of Hell and Other American Pastimes in the Greater Middle East

Baghdad Blood Bath - Part II - Part III

Is the War in Iraq Costing American Taxpayers $720 Million a Day? - Part II

One of the Most Spectacular Crimes Against Humanity Ever Witnessed

The Four Trillion Dollar Headache

Where Silence has Lease

Welcome Home, Soldier: Now Shut Up

When Anthropologists Become Counter-Insurgents

The Killing Project

Waiting For an Ordinary Day

Moral Injury and American War

Green Zone Defeat?

When Blood is their Argument

Have Infinite War, Will Travel

Vietnam: Reloaded - Part II - Part III - Part IV - Part V - Part VI - Part VII - Part VIII - Part IX - Part X - Part XI - Part XII - Part XIII - Part XIV - Part XV - Part XVI - Part XVII - Part XVIII - Part XIX - Part XX - Part XXI - Part XXII - Part XXIII - Part XXIV

Are there 200,000 Homeless War Veterans in America?

Homeless Veterans: The Next Generation - Part II - Part III - Part IV - Part V - Part VI - Part VII - Part VIII - Part IX

The Danger of the Sacred Soldier

What You Leave Behind


Our Souls Turned into Weapons

The Killers Inside Us: White Fury and the Thin Blue Line

Do 18 American Veterans Commit Suicide Every Day?

Why Aren't You Dead Yet?

Taking a Closer Look at Veterans' Charities

30 Jobs that Pay $30.00 - $40.00 an Hour

Are 17 American Helicopters a Month Hit by Enemy Fire in Iraq? - Part II

An Important Story You Didn't See

Has the Invasion of Iraq Made You Less Safe?

Green Zone Follies: August 7, 2007 - August 9, 2007 - September 9, 2007 - September 15, 2007 - October 16, 2007 - October 25, 2007 - October 29, 2007 - November 1, 2007 - November 10, 2007 - November 21, 2007 - November 26, 2007 - December 17, 2007 - March 3, 2008

The New Face of War

Escalation in Iraq by the Numbers

Is Iraq Ready to Explode?

Do the Iraqi Resistance Strike 800 Times a Week (Every 15 Minutes?)

Twenty One Reasons Iraq is Not Working

Did The Iraqi Resistance Carry Out 1,300 Attacks during June of 2006 in Baghdad Alone?

Are Iraqi Forces Who Train with Americans in Iraq Actually Working for The Iraqi Resistance? - Part II

Baghdad's New Growth Industry - Part II

Does the Iraqi Resistance Control ALL Major Roads into Baghdad?

The Poor Man's Air Force

Are the Iraqi Resistance Now Using Surface to Air Missles?

Was the Invasion of Iraq the Single Greatest Strategic Disaster in the History of the United States? - Part II - Part III - Part IV - Part V

Baghdad Up Close and Personal

Iraq War as War Crime

Invisible Wounds

The Most Dangerous Country on Planet Earth Is... - Part II

The Durance of Hate

The Unrepented Genocide

The Fruit of a Poisonous Tree

Gulf War Syndrome Number Two - Part II

A Bitter Taste to Iraqi Reality

What is the American Plan for Iraq?

Where Fear Trumps All


A Failure to Think

Search and Avoid

The Mega-Lie Called the War on Terror: A Masterpiece of Propaganda

Mission Accomplished by the Numbers

The Iraqi Resistance: "Why We Fight"

Have 1,000 British Soldiers Deserted?

Is the Presence of Foreign Combat Forces a Catalyst for Suicide Terrorism?

One Crime Too Many

When the 'War on Terror' Becomes Genocide

Upon Red Rivers of Genocide

Creeping Terror

The Poetry of Death: Patterns of State Terror

Bombs for Moms

The Flood - Part II - Part III - Part IV - Part V

Is Iraq Worse than Vietnam?

Iraq as a Living Hell

Top 10 Reasons Not to Grow Up in Iraq as a Child

The True Heart of Darkness

All the President's Liars

Iraq: The Web of Lies

The Murder of a Society - Part II

Please God, Deliver Us From the Banality of Evil

Where No One is Accountable

Ten Fallacies About the Violence in Iraq


The Grateful Dead

The Salesman of Death

The Destruction of Iraq

Mission Unaccomplished

Drowning in Blood and Tears

The Situation in Iraq and Lebanon

A Nation of Widows

Long Time Passing

The Wars that Oil the Pentagon's Engine

Improvised Explosive Defeat?

Into the Lion's Den

Anger Rising

Does Congress have the Constitutional Power to Limit the Scope of War in Iraq and Block Escalation?

Why 21,500 Wrongs Won't Make It Right

Bush Blames the Troops

Death From Above

The Road Home

Accidents of War

The OTHER Iraq Report

The Charnel House

Why War Fails

Gambling to Save Face on Iraq

The United States Army's Current State of Readiness

The United States Air Force's Current State of Readiness

Silence of the Military Retirees

Were Hundreds of Soldiers' Bodies Misplaced at Arlington National Cemetery?

Another Day in Paradise

All the President's Lies - Part II

Pimping for the Pentagon - Part II - Part III - Part IV

The Spoils of Corruption

Blood and Money

Evil in the Valley

The Mother of All Lies

The Lies that Bind

From Karbala to Al Basrah

Some Plain Truths About Iraq

The Mistake that Keeps on Taking

Are US Army Suicides at their Highest Levels since 1993?

Did a Record Number of American Soldiers Commit Suicide in 2008?

Why Soldiers Keep Losing to Suicide

A Defeat Bred in Deceit - Part II

Pyrrhus on the Potomac

USS Titanic Stays the Course

The Lesson George W. Didn�t Learn

The Urge to Surge

The Song Remains the Same - Part II

Operation Iraq Forever

Perpetual War

Just Another Day in Iraq

Mission Accomplished!

A World Without War

Amateur Warlords

Teen Soldier Commits Suicide Rather than Deploy to Iraq

Other People's Kids - Part II

Green Zone Dreams

Threats of Our Own Making

Terror through a Moral Lens - Part II

America's Gulag and the Good War

General William Odom: "Supporting the Troops" Means Withdrawing Them

Life on the Frontline of Someone Else's War

Bringing "Democracy" to Iraq

Is the US Military Trigger Happy?

Recipe for Civilian Slaughter

An Iraqi Tear

Which Soldier will be the Last to Die for Bush's Mistake?

Bring 'Em On! - Part II - Part III - Part IV

Top Ten Mistakes the Bush Administration Is Repeating from Vietnam

Inside The Iraqi Resistance - Part II

The Butcher's Bill

Loving Our Troops to Death - Part II

Wreck It and Run

The Killing Fields: Ghosts of the Walking Dead

Human Hell and the Demons of War

Phony Wars for Phony Peace and the Ministry of Fear

The Truth About Iraq

Darkness Renewed: Terror as a Tool of Empire

Other People's Blood

Death�s Dream Kingdom

The Chemistry of Terror

In the Crosshairs

The Bush Train Wreck

Is Iraq the New Epicenter for Global Terrorism? - Part II

You Can't Wash Your Hands When They're Covered in Blood

As Good as It Gets

Is the War in Iraq Based Upon Lies?

Bush's Worst Lie

"Victory" in Iraq

Rule, Not Reconciliation

By Any Other Name - Part II - Part III - Part IV - Part V - Part VI - Part VII

Baqouba, Iraq Sealed Off as US Forces Lose Control of City

Iraqi Resistance Shows Skill Beyond Mere Band of Thugs

The Rise of Iraqi Death Squads - Part III

Baptizing a Bobcat

The Scent of Fear

The War in Iraq Through the Eyes of an Iraqi - Part II - Part III

A Family in Baghdad

Tales of Yankee Power: Inevitable Atrocities of the War on Terror

The Effects of Economic Sanctions on the Children of Iraq - Part II - Part III - Part IV - Part V

The Dead and the Undead

From Bad to Worse - Part II - Part III

What You Don't Know About War

A View of Iraq from an American Soldier

Is the Bond of Military Brotherhood an Intrinsic Justifier for War?

Genocide by the Seaside - Part II - Part III - Part IV - Part V - Part VI

The Industrial-Scale Counterterrorism Killing Machine

Morality Turned Upside Down

A Casualty of Bush's War

Reality Check

In Their Own Words: Letters From Soldiers Who Have Died in Iraq

Thanks for Your Military Service, but Don't Tell the Kids About It

Rows, Not Just Numbers

Lifestyles of the Rich and Heartless

The Gates of Hell are now OPEN - Part II - Part III

Is Life in 'Liberated' Iraq a Disaster? - Part II

Invisible Wounded - Part II

The United States and Israel Prepare for Mass Killings in Iraq

America's Top Exports: Grief, Sorrow, and Loss

Captured British Journalist: All of the Insurgent 'Freedom Fighters' Inside Syria are Foreigners

Is America Arming Al Qaeda in Syria?

Is Obama Requesting $500,000,000.00 to Arm, Train, Supply, and Fund Al Qaeda in Syria?

U.S. Military Establishes Large (ILLEGAL) Military Base Inside Syria

The Fun of Empire

Reality and the Senate Intelligence Committee - Part II - Part III

Operation: Restore a Shah

Paul Craig Roberts on the Coming War with Iran

Avoiding Another Long War

Pentagon Quietly Masses 100,000 US Troops Around Iran

Making the Same 'Mistake' Twice

Iranian Navy Saves American Cargo Ship from Pirates; 13 Arrested

Crude, Blood & Turmoil

Colonizing Earth, Eradicating Humanity, One Country at a Time: Today Iraq, Tomorrow Iran - Part II - Part III - Part IV - Part V - Part VI - Part VII - Part VIII - Part IX - Part X - Part XI - Part XII - Part XIII - Part XIV - Part XV - Part XVI - Part XVII - Part XVIII - Part XIX - Part XX - Part XXI - Part XXII - Part XXIII - Part XXIV - Part XXV - Part XXVI - Part XXVII - Part XXVIII - Part XXIX - Part XXX - Part XXXI - Part XXXII - Part XXXIII - Part XXXIV - Part XXXV - Part XXXVI - Part XXXVII - Part XXXVIII - Part XXXIX - Part XL - Part XLI - Part XLII - Part XLIII - Part XLIV - Part XLV - Part XLVI - Part XLVII - Part XLVIII - Part XLIX - Part L - Part LI - Part LII - Part LIII - Part LIV - Part LV - Part LVI - Part LVII - Part LVIII - Part LIX - Part LX - Part LXI - Part LXII - Part LXIII - Part LXIV - Part LXV - Part LXVI - Part LXVII - Part LXVIII - Part LXIX - Part LXX - Part LXXI - Part LXXII - Part LXXIII - Part LXXIV - Part LXXV - Part LXXVI - Part LXXVII - Part LXXVIII - Part LXXIX - Part LXXX - Part LXXXI - Part LXXXII - Part LXXXIII - Part LXXXIV - Part LXXXV - Part LXXXVI - Part LXXXVII - Part LXXXVIII - Part LXXXIX - Part XC - Part XCI - Part XCII - Part XCIII - Part XCIV - Part XCV - Part XCVI - Part XCVII - Part XCVIII - Part XCIX - Part C - Part CI - Part CII - Part CIII - Part CIV - Part CV - Part CVI - Part CVII - Part CVIII - Part CIX - Part CX - Part CXI - Part CXII/a> - Part CXIII - Part CIV - Part CXV - Part CXVI - Part CXVII - Part CXVIII - Part CXIX - Part CXX - Part CXXI - Part CXXII - Part CXXIII - Part CXXIV - Part CXXV - Part CXXVI - Part CXXVII - Part CXXVIII - Part CXXIX - Part CXXX - Part CXXXI - Part CXXXII - Part CXXXII

Iran Issues Arrest Warrant for Donald Trump over Killing of General Soleimani

How Many Generals and Admirals will Quit the US Military if the President Orders an Attack on Iran?

Red Lines and Ticking Clocks

What's at Stake in Iran

The Human Cost of War on Iran

Michelle Bachman on Iran's Nuclear Facilities

Iran Reverse Engineers Captured US Drone, Begins Cloning Process

Please Take a Good Hard Look at Iran - Before It Looks Like Iraq

Gateway to a Global War

A Method of Promoting Globalism

This Path was Selected a Long Time Ago... - Part II - Part III

The Propoganda War Against Iran - Part II - Part III

Dehumanization and Demonization

Is War a Racket?

How the Iraq War was Sold

The Biggest Heist of All Time?

Mass Death on the Installment Plan

Has Mass Murder Cost Us More than they Promised?

Sailing on the Blood Money River

Casualties of War

There's an App for That

The Lords of War - Part II - Part III - Part IV

Through the Looking Glass - Part II

The Value of George Orwell

The Weight of Demons

Have 206,861 Gulf War Veterans Filed VA Claims for Medical Care since the First Gulf War?

Butt Prints in the Sand

Do White House Senior Staff BRIBE Officials for LYING about Iraq's Weapons of Mass Destruction?

The Unauthorized Biography of Dick Cheney

Vice President Cheney on Iraq

Tricky Dick Cheney - Part II - Part III - Part IV - Part V - Part VI - Part VII - Part VIII - Part IX - Part X - Part XI - Part XII - Part XIII - Part XIV - Part XV - Part XVI - Part XVII - Part XVIII - Part XIX - Part XX - Part XXI - Part XXII - Part XXIII - Part XXIV - Part XXV - Part XXVI - Part XXVII - Part XXVIII - Part XXIX - Part XXX - Part XXXI - Part XXXII

Welcome Aboard The Iraqi Gravy Train! - Part II - Part IV - Part V

Is Tricky Dick Cheney Headed to Jail?

Houston's Exxon Mobile Shatters Profit Record for Any U.S. Corporation in a Single Quarter - Part II - Part III

Do FBI Files Indict Bush, Cheney and Co. as War Criminals?

Congressional Budget Office: War on Terror Will Cost American Taxpayers $2.4 Trillion Over the Next Ten Years

Phantom Aid

The Wages of Chaos

The Merchants of War

Why Go to College When You Can Be Cannon Fodder?

The Decade of Death

Twelve Whiffs of Failure

At What Price, Safety?

The Unseen Cost of the War in Iraq

Bomb Explodes Next to US Military Recruiting Station in New York City

Does the U.S. Military have Recruiting "PROBLEMS?" - Part II - Part III - Part IV - Part V - Part VI - Part VII - Part VIII - Part IX - Part X - Part XI - Part XII - Part XIII - Part XIV - Part XV - Part XVI - Part XVII - Part XVIII - Part XIX - Part XX - Part XXI - Part XXII - Part XXIII - Part XXIV - Part XXV - Part XXVI - Part XXVII - Part XXVIII - Part XXIX

U.S. Navy Fails to Warn Veterans of Radiation Exposure in South Los Angeles

Are Army Recruiters Killing Themselves in Record Numbers???

Soldiers of Misfortune

Is the US Army Out of Troops?

The Other Military Draft

Is the US Army Sending Letters to Dead and Wounded Officers Asking Them to Return to Service?

GI Jose?

Are Injured US Troops Being Sent Back to Iraq Amid a Soldier Shortage?

Are Suicidal American Troops Being Sent into Combat? - Part II

Courts Refuse to Stop Reverse Draft - Part II

Two Months of Basic Training Plus One Month of AIT Equals 1 Year in Asia!

Are 1 Out of Every 9 Soldiers Treated for Pneumonia in Army Basic Training?

Throwing the Book Out the Window - Part II - Part III - Part IV - Part V - Part VI - Part VII - Part VIII

Mission Accomplished?

Does George W. Bush Hate America's Veterans? - Part II - Part III - Part IV - Part V - Part VI - Part VII - Part VIII - Part IX - Part X

An Interview with Sue Niederer: Her Son Was Told by the Recruiter He Wouldn't See Combat; Now He's Dead

U.S. Troops on the March: Out of the Army

One Third of Individual Ready Reserve Soldiers Fail to Report for Duty

American Soldiers Head North for Asylum - Part II - Part III

Canada's Secret War in Iraq

Our Winter of Discontent - Part II - Part III - Part IV - Part V - Part VI - Part VII - Part VIII - Part IX - Part X - Part XI - Part XII - Part XIII - Part XIV - Part XV - Part XVI - Part XVII - Part XVIII - Part XIX - Part XX

President Bush Halts Army Bonus Payments

The Wages of War

Bitter Truths Beneath Rosey Assessments

The Path to Atrocity

The Treason Card - Part II

It's the Crude, Dude - Part II - Part III - Part IV - Part V - Part VI - Part VII

The Angry American - Part II - Part III - Part IV - Part V

Go Tell it to the Mountain (Of Corpses)

Lucky Man

Daughter Born After Dad Dies in Iraq

Are Soldiers' Divorce Rates Up Sharply? - Part II

The Exploitation of Soldiers - Part II

Unnatural Acts: Breaking the Fever of Militarism

A War We Didn't Have to Fight

Pimps and Whores

About that Iraq Withdrawal - Part II

Who Won the Iraq War?

Iraq War: Was it Worth it?

Eyes Wide Shut

The Mysterious Why of the Iraq War

One More Good Example of Why the War in Iraq was More About Making Money than Winning the War

Losing Iraq

ISIS Captures 52 US M198 Howitzers, 1,500 Armored US Humvees, and 4,000 Russian Automatic Rifles in Iraq

26 ISIL Facts Obama Doesn't Want You to Know About

Is ISIS Planting Terrorists Among the Refugees Flowing into Europe? - Part II

ISIS in Ukraine?

The Terror Next Time

The Cyber Caliphate

ISIS Enters Afghanistan and Pakistan - Part II

Obama Reinvades Iraq - Part II - Part III

Obama Orders 1,000 US Army Paratroopers Back to Iraq

Didn't President Obama say that the Only Role of U.S. Air Power in Iraq will be to Protect U.S. Facilities and Personnel?

A Redundant Presidential Ritual

Apocalypse Now, Iraq Edition

Has America Killed Over Four Million Muslims since 1990?

Alive and Bleeding

A Reminder

Iraq Fades from Existence

An Ample Presence of Corpses: The Legacy of George W. Bush

And You Thought the War in Iraq was Over?

The Massacre of Mosul

The Horror of Endless Interventionism

The Illusion of Peace

Death & Impunity: Iraq 15 Years Later

Unmitigated Failure: Operation Iraqi Freedom, 15 Years Later - Part II

15 Years After the Iraq Invasion, What are the Costs? - Who Benefits?

Lessons Unlearned - Part II

Part II: Afghanistan

"THIS is the fallacy of power: Ultimately it is effective only in an absolute, a limited universe. But the basic lesson of our relativistic universe is that things change. Any power must always meet a greater power." - Frank Herbert

Disguised Former Soldier with South London Accent reveals Reality of Afghan War

United Nations: Afghan Opium Poppy Cultivation Plunges by 95% under Taliban

America and The Taliban: Parts I, II & III

What You Leave Behind

Afghanistan in Retrospect

Remember Vietnam? Two Decades & $90 Billion Dollars Later: Dissecting the Afghan Military's Total Collapse

Who Owns the Planes & Ships that Transport 90% of the World's Heroin from Afghanistan to the Rest of the World?

Inside Afghanistan's Death Valley

Who Really Won the War in Afghanistan? - Part II

U.S. Backed Afghan Government Falls & President Ghani Evacuates; ***TALIBAN CAPTURE AFGHANISTAN ON AUGUST 15, 2021*** - Part II - Part III - Part IV - Part V

Taliban Show Off Captured American Military Equipment, Thank American Taxpayers for their LARGE Donation

Taliban Capture Nimroz Province, Thank American Taxpayers for their LARGE Donation of American Military Equipment

Afghanistan Undercover

Some Lives are Taken While Others are Freely Given: Twin ISIS Suicide Bombers Killed 13 American Soldiers at Kabul Airport on August 26; 18 Wounded - Part II - Part III

The $8 Trillion Cost of Failure

Taliban Takeover

Your Tax Dollars at Work

Picking Up the Pieces in Afghanistan

Killing and Making a Killing

After Defeating The Soviet Union, Taliban (formerly Mujahideen) Defeat America

The Collective Suicide Machine

How the U.S. Military Got Rich from Afghanistan

Afghan Heroin & the CIA

Where Empires Go to Die - Part II - Part III - Part IV

You Don't Have to Pay the Taliban ANY Money to Kill Americans in Afghanistan: They'll Do It For You for FREE


From Ally to Enemy - Part II

Bush's Bloody Legacy

How The Taliban Outlasted a Superpower

The Situation in Afghanistan

The Lost Cause - Part II

Who's Winning in Afghanistan after 20 Years of U.S. Military Occupation and Trillions of U.S. Taxpayer Dollars' Spent?

Taliban Territory

Taliban Shoot Down Top Secret CIA Spy Plane over Ghazni, Afghanistan on January 27, 2020; No Survivors, Top Secret CIA Technology Now in Taliban Hands

Who Controls Afghanistan 17 Years after 9/11?

The Making of a Narco State - Part II

Afghan Year

What You Leave Behind

Who Controls Afghanistan 18 Years after 9/11?

What they're Not Telling You about Afghanistan

No End in Sight

Afghan Overdose

The Afghanistan Papers: Part I: At War with the Truth - Part II: Stranded without a Strategy - Part III: Built to Fail - Part IV: Consumed by Corruption - Part V: Unguarded Nation - Part VI: Overwhelmed by Opium

Afghanistan and the CIA Heroin Ratline

Recipe for Failure: Have a SIGAR

An Agreement that could have been Reached without a Single Shot being Fired - 18 Years Ago

Has the United States Fought an Eighteen Year War in Afghanistan or a One Year War Eighteen Times?

Crime of the Century

Lessons Learned?

The Stupidity of Fighting a War to Prove a Dead Man Wrong

Celebrated to Death

47th Time's the Charm?

An Open Letter from the Taliban to the American People

Who Owns the Planes & Ships that Transport 90% of the World's Heroin from Afghanistan to the Rest of the World?

The Self-Perpetuating Corruption Machine

The American Military's Repetition-Compulsion Complex

Washington's Drug of Choice in the War on Terror

After 16 Years of US Military Occupation and $1 Trillion American Taxpayer Dollars' Spent are Civilian Casualties and Heroin Production at Record Levels in Afghanistan?

Endless Regional Chaos: American Presence in Afghanistan Explained

Is America's War in Afghanistan Fueling the Global Heroin Epidemic?

Where Heroin Kills So Many People they use Cold-Storage Trailers as Morgues

Who Controls Afghanistan after 16 Years of US Military Occupation and $1 Trillion US Taxpayer Dollars' Spent?

The Situation in Afghanistan

It Still Doesn't Get Worse than Afghanistan

The War We Forgot to End

After Spending $8.4 Billion American Taxpayer Dollars' on Counternarcotics Operations in Afghanistan, Does 90% of the World's Supply of Heroin Originate in Afghanistan?

Do the Taliban Control 27 of Afghanistan's 34 Provinces?

Has Heroin Production in Afghanistan Increased 50 Fold since America Invaded?

Afghanistan and the CIA Heroin Ratline

Roads to Nowhere, Ghost Soldiers, and a $43 Million Gas Station in Afghanistan - Part II: The Greatest Racket of All Time

The Mess Nobody Talks About - Part II

Ghost Students

Ghost Soldiers - Part II

ISIS in Afghanistan - ISIS in Libya

Losing a War One Bad Metaphor at a Time

Afghan Retreat Echoes of Vietnam Defeat

Taliban Overrun US Trained Afghan Police in Helmand

America's New Vietnam in the Middle East

13 Years of Failure & Oppression

The Afghanistan Report the Pentagon Doesn't Want You to Read - Part II - Part III

The Unwinnable War

Vietnamization 2.0

Unburying the Dead from the Pentagon's Afghan Hospital Bombing

Taliban Capture 5th Largest City in Afghanistan

The Other War

Billions Wasted on War on Drugs after Record Opium Harvest in Afghanistan

At Heroin's Source, Taliban Do What 'Just Say No' Could Not

Afghan Opium Production Rises 61% in 2011

Record Amount of Heroin Flowing out of Afghanistan? - Part II - Part III

Is Afghan Heroin Production at an All Time High?

Did Heroin Production Rise 50% in Afghanistan in 2013?

Afghanistan Opium Production Doubles in 2017

Are 132 Districts in Afghanistan Growing Heroin? - Part II

Who's Behind the Record Heroin Production in Afghanistan?

How the Taliban Finance their Insurgency

How a Pink Flower Defeated the World's Sole Superpower

America's Heroin Epidemic

Baptism of Fire

The Unwinnable War

The Longest War in US History

Has America Spent More Money Attempting to Rebuild Afghanistan than Any Other Country?

Does 75% of the World's Supply of Heroin Originate in Afghanistan?

After 13 Years of NATO War, Does the Taliban Still Control 70% of Afghanistan?

Why America's War in Afghanistan is No Victory

Is Washington Arming and Funding the Taliban in Afghanistan?

Ghost Workers

The Impending Afghan Defeat

Why is America Buying $1 Billion in Russian Helicopters for the Afghan Military?

Drugs, War, and Occupation

Is the U.S. Counter-Insurgency Campaign Failing in Afghanistan? - Part II - Part III

Is Three Quarters of the World's Supply of Heroin Coming from Afghanistan?

The Top Ten Afghanistan Media Lies

The Women of the Afghanistan War

Afghanistan, Ecology and the End of War

Why are We Still in Afghanistan?

Living with the Taliban

Behind Taliban Lines

The Taliban's Spreading Influence

Video of US Air Strike in Afghanistan

Return of the Taliban

Inside Al-Qaeda

Record Number of American Soldiers and Sailors Killed in Afghanistan during August of 2011

Record Number of Civilians Killed in Afghanistan during 2011

Afghan Government and United Nations: "Hundreds of Afghan Children Killed as a Result of Attacks and Air Strikes by US Military Forces in Afghanistan"

Rethink Afghanistan

Exit Afghanistan

End Game

Our Longest Lost War: After Ten Years in Afghanistan, Is America Any Closer to Victory?

Failed War from a False Empire

How the US Quietly Lost the IED War in Afghanistan

Lessons from Lost Wars

Who Armed, Supplied, Funded, and Trained Al Qaeda and the Taliban in Afghanistan during the 1980s? - Part II - Part III

Common Sense in a Coma

Payback Time

US Air Strike In Kunduz, Afghanistan Accidentally Bombed UN Hospital Killing 19 and Injuring 37 - Part II

C-130 Plane Crash in Eastern Afghanistan Leaves Six US Military Service Members Dead on October 2 - Part II

Afghan Corruption, Opium, and the Strange Case of Kam Air

14,381 American Soldiers Killed or Wounded in Afghanistan as of March 1, 2010

A Contagion of Killing

Obama's Briar Patch - Part II

Top Ten US Lies about Afghanistan

15 Reasons NATO will Lose in Afghanistan

Is it Possible to Win a War whose Victims are Primarily Civilians?

Are We Fighting in a War We Lost Before the War Began?

Sowing Death in Afghanistan

NATO Air and Ground Strikes Accidentally Kill 64 Civilians (29 Children, 20 Women, and 15 Men) in Kunar, Afghanistan

Where the Impossible is Possible

The Longest Lost War

The Graveyard of Empires - Part II

Afghan Sunset

From Afghanistan to Syria: Women's Rights, War Propaganda and the CIA

Snapshots from Afghanistan

Winning Hearts and Minds with Explosives

Is there a Hidden Military Agenda in Afghanistan?

Corruption as a Way of Life

Billions in US Aid Wasted in Afghanistan

Baseworld Profiteering

Fifty or More Countries in a Single War Theater?

Destroying Afghanistan

Are Afghan Drug Lords Using American Forces to Eliminate Rivals?

Shadow War

Top US General Warns of Failure in Afghanistan

Where Empires Go to Die

Postponing the Inevitable

Epitaph from the Imperial Graveyard

The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight

Acid Rain

What Fuels GI Death Squads in Afghanistan?

Taliban Capture US Base in Kunar, Afghanistan

Afghan President Expels US Special Forces from Wardak, Afghanistan

The Afghan Holocaust

An Inside Look at the Afghan Debacle

An Interview with the Most Effective, Dangerous, and Successful Guerrilla Leader in the World

Stumbling About in the Graveyard of Empires

The Untold Truths of War

Stealing Money, Selling Heroin and Raping Boys: The Very Dark Side of the Afghan Occupation

Opium, Rape and the American Way

Grand Delusions

From a Classified General McChrystal Report: 500,000 NATO Troops will be Required in Afghanistan Over the Next Five Years

Druglords, Dragon's Teeth and Civil Wars

Why Pakistan Cannot Defeat the Taliban

Are American Soldiers Outgunned in Afghanistan?

The Iraq Drawdown and Afghan Buildup

Deep Inside the Kingdom of Heaven - Part II

Steel Rain

Are More US Troops Headed to Afghanistan?

Do Contractors Outnumber US Troops in Afghanistan?

Is Afghanistan a Powderkeg?

How to Lose in Afghanistan

The Proxy War

The Top Three American Cities being Targeted by Al Qaeda for a Terrorist Attack in 2008 Due to America's Close Relationship with Israel

What Happened to the Soviet Union when They Invaded Afghanistan? - Part II - Part III - Part IV - Part V - Part VI

How's Al Qaeda Doing? You Decide - Part II - Part III - Part IV

Were 1,000 American Soldiers Injured in Afghanistan in 90 Days?

The Die is Cast

The 1,000th American Soldier Killed in Afghanistan

Al-Qaeda in Bosnia?

Goodbye Musharraf, Hello Taliban

German Military Refuses to Enter Taliban Stronghold in Southern Afghanistan

Is Opium Harvest at Record Levels in Afghanistan?

Didn't the Taliban Eradicate Heroin from Afghanistan?

Are British Soldiers Being Told to Leave Heroin Plants Alone in Afghanistan?

Is Afghanistan Now a Narcotics State? - Part II - Part III - Part IV - Part V - Part VI - Part VII - Part VIII - Part IX - Part X - Part XI - Part XII - Part XIII - Part XIV - Part XV

Is Al-Qaeda Now Targeting VA Hospitals?

Is Al Qaeda Beheading Americans in Iraq?

The Wedding Crashers - Part II

Cranks, Kleptocrats and Killers: The 'Good War' on the Ground

Another Military Disaster Ahead?

War and the American Republic

The War Widows of Afghanistan

The Winter Storms of Northern Afghanistan

Tears of Fire

Mission Accomplished?

Lessons Learned

What You Leave Behind - Part II

Did the Pentagon Lose Over 700,000 Weapons in Iraq & Afghanistan?

10,000 US Troops to Remain in Afghanistan beyond 2024

US Troops will Not be Withdrawn from Afghanistan as Planned

After Promising to End America's Longest War, Obama Orders Thousands of US Troops to Stay in Afghanistan Beyond 2017

15 Years of US Military Presence and $727 Billion US Taxpayer Dollars' Later, Taliban Overrun Helmand - Part II - Part III

Taliban Retake Afghanistan's Northern Baghlan Province

Chinese Troops Enter Afghanistan

After 15 Years of US Military Occupation, has the Situation in Afghanistan Improved? - Part II

The Unending Failure of the Afghan War

The Never Ending War Trap

All the Times President Trump said America Should Get Out of Afghanistan

Kabul Under Siege

ISIS Suicide Bombers Strike Kabul Military Academy on January 29: 11 Dead, 16 Wounded

Taliban Suicide Bomber Levels Kabul 'Safe Zone' on January 27: 103 Dead, 235 Wounded

Five Taliban Suicide Bombers Strike Intercontinental Hotel in Kabul on January 20: 18 Dead, 150 Wounded

ISIS Suicide Bomber Strikes Kabul Police Operation on January 4: 13 Dead, 18 Wounded

Did 63 Suicide Bombers Strike Afghanistan in 2017?

Where Angels Fear to Tread

The Terrorist Haven Fallacy on Afghanistan

Part III: Syria

"One enemy at a time." - Frank Herbert, Dune

Jewish Airstrike Kills Iranian Generals in Syria on April 1, 2024

Using Hundreds of Drones as Cover, Iranian Ballistic Missiles Destroy Israel's Nevatim & Ramon Airbases in Retaliation for Assassinating Iranian Generals in Syria; Iran Considers Matter Closed - Part II - Part III

Israel Attacks Iran, Iraq & Syria - Part II - Part III

Forecast for U.S. Troops in Iraq & Syria: Cloudy with a Risk of Rocket Showers

A Flawed & Dangerous Presence

U.S. Fighter Jets Strike Syria in Retaliation for Attacks on U.S. Troops STEALING SYRIAN OIL

Biden Bombs Syria Again in 'Self Defense' for Attacks on American Troops STEALING SYRIAN OIL

Why is the U.S. Military in Syria?

Playing Russian Roulette in Syria: Pentagon to Illegally Deploy 2,500 Troops to Syria

Flashpoint for War

Healthcare as Psychological Warfare

Vampire Jews Bomb Syria after Country is Devastated by Earthquake

U.S. Military Carries Out Air Strikes on Syria after Country is Devastated by Earthquakes

The Situation in Syria

U.S. Invades Syria, Kills People, Claims Self Defense

Biden Orders Air Strikes in Syria on August 24; Six Dead

Weaponizing 'Humanitarian Aid' to Syria on behalf of Al Qaeda & ISIS

Manufactured Mission

The Price of Resistance

Why is the U.S. Military Secretly Building an Airport in Syria?

Biden Bombs Syria - Part II

The Covert War on Syria

Is World War III On Your Horizon? Four American Soldiers Injured after Confrontation with Russian Army in Syria on August 26, 2020 - America's Presence in Syria is 100% ILLEGAL!

Get Out of Syria - Part II

Syria's President Reflects on Civil War, Oil, Terrorism and America

Is Assad Superman?

Remember the Jordanian Pilot who was Shot Down in an American F-16 and Captured by ISIS? - Part II

Is the U.S. Military Targeting Civilians & Committing War Crimes in Syria?

Views from Below a Syrian Airstrike

The Proxy War in Syria

Eight Days in Syria

Nine Days: From a Window in Aleppo, Syria

Did Aleppo, Syria Fall or was it Liberated?

The Silent Slaughter of Raqqa, Syria

Are US Ground Operations in Syria Illegal?

Is the Israeli Military using Commercial Flights as Cover for Airstrikes in Syria?

Israel Continues to Firebomb Syria

Israeli Army Tanks Shell Syrian Hospital

Al Qaeda Captures Large Amount of Weapons and Ammo from Pentagon Trained and Supplied 'Moderate' Syrian Rebels - Part II

More Advanced American Weaponry Falls into the Hands of The Islamic State - Part II

US Armed, Supplied, and Trained 'Moderate' Rebels in Syria Surrender to ISIS: Al Qaeda Captures US Anti-Tank Missles and Rockets

ISIS War to Extend Far Beyond Iraq and Syria Under Obama's Proposed Plan

US Air Strikes in Aleppo, Syria Accidentally Killed 52 Civilians on May 1, 2015

A Bitter Pill to Swallow

Syria Shoots Down Israeli F-16 Using Russian S-300 Air Defense System

Obama Promised 'No Boots on the Ground in Syria' 16 Times - Then Orders US Special Forces into Syria

Obama Orders US Military to Attack Syria

The Unspoken Consequences of Bombing Syria

Russian Tanks Arrive in Syria

Russian Fighter Jets & Marines Arrive in Syria

Chinese Aircraft Carrier and Marines Arrive in Syria

Thousands of Iranian Troops Enter Syria

Russia, Belarus, and Iran Send Additional Military Forces to Syria

The Failures of Obama's Foreign Policy

Shamming into Syria

On the Syrian Frontline

Who's Coordinating ISIS & Al Qaeda Attacks in Syria's Capital?

Why Assad and the Syrian Government Will Prevail - Part II - Part III - Part IV - Part V - Part VI - Part VII

Russian Air Force to Defend Assad's Syria for the Next 49 Years

Russia Quietly begins Building Third Military Base in Syria

Ten Russian Warships Enter Mediterranean

The Middle Eastern Stalingrad

Russian Military Discovers American/Al Qaeda/ISIS Chemical Weapons Lab Northeast of Damascus, Syria

Syrian Military Discovers American/Al Qaeda/ISIS Chemical Weapons Lab East of Damascus

Syrian Military Bombs American/Al Qaeda/ISIS Chemical Weapons Lab East of Damascus on April 8; 40 Dead

Russian Military Captures NATO Weapons and Uncovers Underground Al Qaeda Explosive Production Facility in Homs, Syria

Operation Good Neighbor - Part II

A Plea for Caution from Russia by Vladimir Putin

The Problem in Syria - Part II

Is ISIS Receiving Reinforcements from Turkey?

Turkey's Military Rolls into Syria - Part II

Russia's Proof of Turkey's Role in ISIS Oil Trade

Do ISIS Soldiers Train in Turkey?

Are ISIS Soldiers being Treated in Turkish Hospitals?

Captured Cellphone from Dead ISIS Commander Reveals Conversations with Turkish Intelligence

Are (NATO) Turkish Troops Fighting in Syria? - Part II

Is Al Qaeda Entering Syria from Turkey?

Is the French Military Inside Syria?

Pentagon Orders Military Families Out of Turkey

Obama Orders More US Troops into Syria - Part II

Is America Arming and Training ISIS and Al Qaeda in Syria to Fight Assad's Forces?

US Asks Russia Not to Target Al Qaeda in Syria

Hezbollah Captures CIA Officer in Aleppo, Syria Commanding Al Qaeda Forces

Syrian Kurds Attack Turkey

Top Ten Facts the Mainstream Media Won't Tell You about the War in Syria

Voices from Syria

The Final Stand of ISIS in Syria?

Two U.S. Army Soldiers Died Violently in Syria on March 5, 2019

Syria Sarin Report Blows Holes in US Claims

Syria Escalation Poses Growing Risk of Regional War - Part II - Part III

Risking World War III in Syria

Are Russian & American Troops Operating in the Same Syrian City?

America Arms Syrian Rebels, Russia Arms Syrian Government

US Troops Enter Syria

United Nations: 92,000+ Killed in Syria Uprising - 1,500,000+ Displaced

Florida Congressman Alan Grayson on Syria

Do 9% of Americans Support Obama's Military Intervention in Syria?

What are We Doing in Syria?

Is NATO Supporting ISIS in Syria?

US Air Force Evacuates 20 ISIS Field Commanders from Syria

US Helicopters Evacuate ISIS Leaders Before Arrival of Syrian Army

Are Israeli Intelligence Officers Commanding ISIS Troops?

Syrian Army Uncovers Huge Cargo of Israeli-Made Arms, Munitions, Explosives, Digital Equipment and Drugs Destined for ISIS and/or Al Qaeda in Homs

Is the US Military Arming, Supplying, Funding, and Training ISIS in Syria?

Pentagon Gives Billions for More War in Syria

How America's National Security State Fueled the Rise of Al Qaeda & ISIS

Who Created ISIS?

Who Saved ISIS from a Taliban Attack in Eastern Afghanistan?


Who's Arming, Supplying, Training, and Funding Syrian Opposition Fighters in Syria's Civil War? - 60,000+ Dead - Part II - Part III

Who's Largely Responsible for the Chaos in Syria?

Syrian Military Captures Huge Stash of American Weapons from ISIS

Is America Fighting for Al Qaeda in Syria?

Colonizing Earth, Eradicating Humanity, One Country at a Time: U.S. Airstrikes Kill Plenty of Innocent Women & Children in Eastern Syria on July 29

Are Top Syrian Rebel Leaders Members of Al Qaeda?

Ten Chemical Weapons Attacks Washington Doesn't Want You to Talk About

Did Israel Use Chemical Weapons Against Palestine in 2009?

Will US Military Intervention in Syria Lead to World War III? - Part II - Part III - Part IV

Hey Look: We're at War Against Evil Again

As ISIS Gains Mount, Doubts Grow on US Strategy - Part II

Did ISIS Capture Three Russian Fighter Jets from the Syrian Military?

ISIS Flag Raised over Kobani, Syria near Turkish Border

ISIL Opens First Consulate in Ankara, Turkey

ISIS Captures US Air Dropped Weapons and Supplies Meant for Kurds in Kobani, Syria near Turkish Border

Can ISIS Shoot Down Passenger Planes?

Inside ISIS

The Rise of ISIS

Trump's Best Foreign Policy Decision to Date?

Despite Trump's Withdrawal Promise, U.S. Military Sets Up New (ILLEGAL) Bases inside Syria - Part II - Part III

800 American Soldiers to Remain in Syria to Steal their Oil - Part II - Part III - Part IV - Part V

Picking Up where ISIS Left Off

To Capture and Subdue

Syria: the War, the Loss, and the Silence

Syrian Diaries