'One of the most dangerous things in the universe is an ignorant society with real grievances. That is nowhere nearly as dangerous, however, as an intelligent and informed society with grievances. The damage that vengeful intelligence can wreak, you cannot even imagine...' - Frank Herbert, Heretics of Dune
A Little Reminder: The next time something 'bad' happens to Rob Kettenburg/When the nuke goes off in Virginia, The Best of the Net is predicting that ALL fbi & cia gay vampire alcoholic cokehead incestuous pedophile murdering thief hoar stalking SATANISTS, along with their spouces, children & friends TAKE A BULLET! NO EXCEPTIONS!
Because ALL fbi employees are gay vampire alcoholic cokehead incestuous pedophile murdering thief hoar SATANISTS who had to fuck their interviewer to get hired and then make war on America's veterans after they serve their country to get them to go back because they don't have what it takes to be a soldier, The Best of the Net is predicting that the spouces, children & friends of EVERY fbi employee will be BEATEN TO DEATH immediately!
For Crimes Against Humanity that are too numerous to list, The Best of the Net is predicting that EVERY American & Jewish military installation, embassy & business on the planet outside America & Israel will be BURNED DOWN immediately!
The Best of the Net is predicitng that ANY American caught outside America will be BEATEN TO DEATH immediately!
Because fbi employees use their children & spouces to help them gang-fuck America's veterans after they've served their country to get them to go back with NO COURT ORDER, I'm asking everybody in America to PERMANENTLY TAKE THEIR SPOUCES & KIDS AWAY FROM THEM!
Do you know what we call 3000 DEAD fbi gay vampire alcoholic cokehead incestuous pedophile murdering thief hoar stalking SATANISTS at the bottom of the World Trade Centers on 9/11??? A GOOD START!
Because fbi employees murdered both of my parents (who were rich) in 1968, stole their money, raped me at age 3, spent the summer of 1970 in the Monroe County, New York jail for abadoning me (REPEATEDLY) at age 4, knocked my eyeball out of my head and permanenty blinded me immediately afterwards in 1 eye and then used my parents money to pay people twice my size to beat me on a regular basis growing up, not to mention poison me more than 100 times, and because these civil rights violations continue to this day by plain clothed undercover fbi gay vampire alcoholic cokehead incestuous pedophile murderer thief hoar stalking SATANISTS with NO COURT ORDER in an attempt to cover up their litany of crimes, I'm formally asking EVERYONE ON EARTH to BEAT THE SHIT out of EVERY fbi SATANIST, along with their spouces, children & friends, burn their houses down in the middle of the night and to play smash up derby with their vehicles and then drag their spouces & children out of them and beat them to death IMMEDIATELY!
The sinking of the ENTIRE u.s. navy GARBAGE fleet along with the EXECUTION of EVERY u.s. navy (pagan transvestite) sailor has been ***AUTHORIZED*** - I understand Edgar Cayce gave a 'reading' almost 100 years ago that said the ENTIRE u.s. (transvestite pagan garbage) navy had to be REBUILT in the VERY NEAR FUTURE! Gee, that's too bad... LOL!!!
Note to the feds: I'll be sure to remove the above bullets as soon as you return the ten million dollars in donations you've stolen from me! Have a nice day and enjoy picking your spouces, kids & friends brains up off the sidewalk! I KNOW I CERTAINLY WILL! LOL!!!
The Best of the Net is predicting that ANY person caught standing within a 50 meter radius of ANY u.s. military recruiting facility on the planet will be ***SHOT IN THE ASS***
The Best of the Net is predicting that molotov cocktails will be thrown at the homes of EVERY u.s. army & navy retiree in the middle of the night for GENOCIDE!
February 13, 2025
Because Rob is being tortured by the retired u.s. army GARBAGE living right above him THIRTY SEVEN YEARS after he's released from active duty in the hopes that he's actually STUPID enough to go back, KICK THE SHIT OUT OF EVERY RETIRED u.s. army piece of GARBAGE you cross paths with FROM NOW ON!
Published in 'America at the Millennium: The Best Poems and Poets of the 20th Century,' 2000. click here
Published in 'Journey to Infinity,' 2000. click here
Cold War Certificate of Recognition, United States Secretary of Defense, 1999. click here
Master of Arts, University of Louisville, May 13, 1995. click here
United States Army Honorable Discharge, October 1, 1992. click here
Published in 'A View from the Edge,' 1992. click here
Performed volunteer work for Kentucky Harvest during the Christmas break in-between semesters for 2 weeks while an undergraduate student at The University of Louisville. Picked up and delivered meals & food banks for the poor and homeless in the West End of Louisville. Did ALL the work, ran up the miles on my car for the deliveries (I paid for gas & maintenance) 2 weeks for FREE. Not once, but twice...
Worked as a United States Army Sergeant (Acting Jack) Green Beret, 7th Special Forces Group, Fort Bragg, North Carolina in a Top Secret (SRF) Environment for 90 days, Summer of 1987. click here - or here
United States Army Lapel Pin awarded at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, 1987. click here
Certificate for 'Outstanding and Dedicated Service to The United States Army,' 18th Airborne Corp, Fort Bragg, North Carolina, 1987. click here
United States Army Good Conduct medal awarded at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, 1987. click here
Designated an Esteemed Member of The U.S. Military Intelligence Corp, Chief of U.S. Military Intelligence, Fort Huachuca, Arizona, 1987. click here
Certificate for Exceptionally Meritorious Service, 194th Armored Brigade, Fort Irwin, California, 1987. click here
United States Army Overseas Service Ribbon awarded on Novermber 20, 1986. click here - or here
Graduated from The United States Army Pre-Noncommissioned Officer Development Program in Berlin, Germany, January 29, 1986. click here
Served and gathered intelligence 110 miles behind enemy lines at the height of The Cold War (April 3, 1985 - November 20, 1986) while stationed at United States Army Field Station Berlin, Germany, Andrews Barracks (A TOP SECRET RANGER BATTALION) , which was the Military Intelligence unit for the 4th, 5th, and 6th Battalions of the 502nd Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Divison, while it was recognized as the #1 intelligence gathering site in the free world by The United States Department of Defense and The National Security Agency, 1986. click here
Designated a Guardian of Berlin's Freedom by the Commander of U.S. Forces, Berlin, Germany, 1986. click here
Outpost of Freedom Award, Commander, United States Army Field Station Berlin, 1986. click here
Certificate of Achievement for scoring 96% on a job skill qualification test, Commander, U.S. Army Field Station Berlin, 1986. click here
United States Army Sharpshooter medal awarded (again) in Berlin, Germany, 1986. Hit 35 out of 40 pop-up targets ranging from 50-300 meters with an M16-A1 assault rifle. Click here to visit this unit's website
United States Army of Occupation medal awarded in Berlin, Germany, 1985. click here
United States Department of Defense Top Secret Security Clearance with Special Background Investigation awarded in 1985. click here
Graduated from United States Army Intelligence School, Fort Devens, Massachusetts, March 28, 1985. Scored 100% on the Final Exam click here
Letter of Commendation for completing 438 hour course in 45 hours, Chief, U.S. Army Intelligence School, Fort Devens, Massachusetts, 1985. click here
Letter of Commendation for completing 686 hour course in 275 hours, Deputy Assistant Commandant, U.S. Army Intelligence School, Fort Devens, Massachusetts, 1985. click here
United States Army Sharpshooter medal awarded at Fort Devens, Massachusetts, 1985.
United States Army Sniper, 1984.
United States Army Expert Grenade Thrower medal awarded at Fort Jackson, South Carolina, 1984. Hit ten out of ten targets. click here
Graduated from U.S. Army Basic Training, Fort Jackson, South Carolina, December 5, 1984. click here
Graduated from Jeffersontown High School, Louisville, Kentucky, June 2, 1984. click here
Attended 'One of the two best high schools in America' according to the U.S. Dept. of Education: L'anse Creuse High School North, Mount Clemens, Michigan, for three years. Missed the Honor Roll once. click here - or here
Certificates of Achievement for creative writing excellence. click here - or here
Licensed by the FCC as an Advanced Class Amateur Radio Operator (Equivalent to a Master's of Science in Electrical Engineering) since 1982, age 16. Scored 100% click here
Licensed by the FCC as a General Class Amateur Radio Operator (Equivalent to a Bachelor's of Science in Electrical Engineering) since 1981, age 15. Scored 100% click here
Worked All States Award as a Novice Class Amateur Radio Operator, American Radio Relay League, Newington, Connecticut, 1980. click here
Certified 20 words per minute morse code interceptor, American Radio Relay League, Newington, Connecticut, 1979. click here
Licensed by The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) as a Novice Class Amateur Radio Operator (Equivalent to an Associate's of Science in Electrical Engineering) since 1978, age 12. click here
February 26, 1986 - West Berlin, East Germany
You can e-mail me at: robkettenburg01@outlook.com
Amount of money this site has made in ads & donations since its inception on June 2, 1995: $0.00